Chapter 1: The Day My Life Changed

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Okay, here is the first chapter, please enjoy! :D


Angry I stormed out the cinema. The movie had just ended and I was furious. Why the hell? Why does she get the hottest men from Middle Earth!? UGH I HATE HER!!

'Wendy, please!' 'NO!' I yelled at my sister. 'Tauriel is so stupid, I just want to... want to... UGH!!' 'Relax, it's all not real!' My eyes were focussed at the ground, but when she said that they snapped to her. I narrowed my eyes? 'What? Not real? This is just as real as you meeting One Direction or Taylor Launter!' I spat at her. She sighed and looked at the sky. 'See what she is doing? Mom, dad, if you hadn't left, you could have make her understand!' A tear rolled down her face and it hurt me. 'No, I'm sorry sis, I didn't mean it like that!' I said, while rushing towards her. I wrapped my arms around her shaking body, and I whispered kind words into her ear. Slowly we walked home, in the dark night ,hiding our tears. 'I'm sorry they left...' I said when we reached our house, 'I shouldn't have been so stupid! I am the reason mom and dad left without a note, now we don't know where they are, and if they're alive...' 'Let's not discuss this tonight, it's late, and I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow, sweet dreams...' she said as she opened the frontdoor and walked away through it, to her bedroom.

I sighed, and sat down on the doorstep. 'Mom, you agree with me, right? Kili and Legolas can't have a relationship with.. with... that BITCH!' I felt another tear roll down my face, but I wept it away fiercely. 'Good night, mother, father. I hope you enjoy your time without us.' I stood up, closed the door behind me, because I didn't want to get past my sister's room tonight, so I  walked towards our very small garden, and I climbed over the fence. I landed on the ground with rotting flowers, and grass that wasn't green, and that wasn't alive. I found the ladder standing against the small house, and I climbed it until I reached my window, and I stepped inside. I locked the window behind me, not willing to have unexpected visitors tonight.

I fell onto my bed and didn't care about still having my shoes and coat on. I fell asleep immediately, so why would I care? In my dream I suddenly was standing in a hallway, made off a huge hedge and other plants growing around and above me. It was a hallway with no appearence of light, nor darkness, good nor evil, it was like... a different demension between two worlds. 'Strange', I heard a voice mumble. I was stunned and looked all around me, I saw nobody, so I looked at the details of the hedge. The hedge was green, seemed green, or wasn't green at all. It just changed all the time. The leafs were gold, brown, yellow, red, green pink, purple, blue and silver. Some were complete black, but none were dead. The leafs, roots and twigs were growing all the time, making new parts of the hallway in front of me. I saw some flowers, roses, daffodils, daisies, and some were blossoming, some were being consumed by the leafs. The hedge was beautiful, but also horrific, and I didn't want to stay, but also didn't want to walk further. But my curiousity won above it all, and I stepped forward. Okay, cool. I'm not dead, just walking. Fine. Good. Keep breathing. Everything is going to be allright.

I took another step, slowly in no definite direction, but I had to keep moving anyways. Staying wasn't an option when thousends of growing leafs and twigs around you are consuming flowers, and killing them. Nope, I have to keep going. I took more steps, became more confident and just started walking. Faster and faster I went, and I started running. I wasn't affraid, but also not pleased by my surroundings. Drops of sweat rolled down my face, or are they tears? I can't indentify...

I ran and ran and the hallway-hedge grew faster and faster to keep me up. But suddenly I tripped over something and I fell to the ground. I lay on the 'floor' of the hallway, and it actually was earth, on some places grew grass, on some was the earth a bit wet, like mud. I pushed myself up so I could sit down, and I saw the hedge grow further and further, and I groaned. 'Ah, that hurt!' I mumbled, and I shook the dirt and mud off my clothes- wait... I hadn't checked what I'm wearing yet... - I observed my clothes: a greek-style white dress, but it also looked very modern. I also wore a kind of bracelet around my enckl, and saw I was walking barefoot all along. I saw a shining golden stone with a dread attached to it, it was a necklace. On my wraist there was a tattoo, a strange symbol I didn't recionize. It seemed like a small, green leaf with in the middle of it a beautiful key. A key to what? I shook my thoughts off me, and stood up and walked further. I didn't run anymore, I simply observed everything around me. I looked up and down, whirled around in the hallway, laughing a bit. But then...

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