‘Well, what don’t you want?’ Prince asked, twinkling his eyes at her.

‘I don’t want to look like a cupcake. I’m a woman grown, and I want to look like a woman. I also don’t want a big, ridiculous production of a wedding.’

‘I think we can do that. Anything else?”

Sofia looked away, and her cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink. ‘I can only think of six people to invite, with their guests, of course.’

‘You? A teacher? You must know tons of people.’

‘’That’s the thing. I’m very good friends with my PE teacher, and I want my Art teacher to be my matron of honor. There are a few other teachers and a couple of administrators I’d like to invite, but not many. I spend most days on my own, plan on my own, and teach on my own.’

‘That sounds lonely, but you have me now.’ He gave her a quick hug, and continued. ‘Any family?’

Prince happily watched Sofia's entire demeanor change as she smiled broadly. ‘Just my Great-Aunt Viola. She still lives in Louisiana. She was like my second grandmother. I’m so thankful she’s still with us. She’s a pistol, and still going strong. Lives on her own, still drives, volunteers all over town. She’s my pattern of how I want to live the last part of my life.’

‘She sounds amazing.’ Prince smiled.

Sofia giggled. ‘You know, the first time I met you, I almost started to laugh. You had finger waves that year, wait, that era? I don’t really know how you keep track of your different looks.’

‘I don’t look back, but I do remember every hairstyle I ever had.’ Prince smirked so hard, Sofia whacked him on the arm and laughed.

‘So, anyway, that reminded me of my Great-Aunt Viola. She still wears finger waves; you know, the kind that last and last? So when I saw them on you, I wanted to giggle, ‘cause all of a sudden, the coolest man on the planet reminded me of my Great-Aunt.’

‘Now, that’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me, that I remind them of my Great-Aunt.’ Prince looked extremely displeased.

‘Oh, no, I shouldn’t have told you. I’m sorry, it wasn’t meant to bother you or hurt your feelings. I really am sorry babe-’

Prince belly laughed. ‘Psych!’ It’s a sweet story. But that is the only way I ever want to be compared to someone’s Great-Aunt, and, my hair has changed a great deal in 14 years. And I still have hair…’

Sofia ruffled his hair. ‘You most certainly do. And I love your hair any way you want to wear it.’ Prince mock scowled as he smoothed his hair back in place, then winked at Sofia, who was looking worried again.

‘Okay, so no looking like a cupcake, no big, ridiculous wedding. A small, almost intimate wedding, with a few friends and family. Can we still have elegant? Or do you want to wear burlap?’

This time Sofia belly laughed. ‘Of course I want elegant. I just don’t want a huge production. Something simple, and elegant.’

Hentley came out on the patio, stopping a discreet distance away, his uniform of white Bermuda shorts and white short sleeved shirt pristine despite the many things he'd already accomplished that day.

‘Excuse me, Ma'am, Sir. I’ve made some salads for you as a light lunch before you fly. What would you like to drink with your meal?’

‘Champagne, Hentley, and you can be the first to congratulate us. Sofia and I will be getting married, very soon.’ Prince stood, helped Sofia to her feet, and put an arm around her waist.

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