The Boy With the Golden Eyes

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It wasn't unusual for me to feel alone with others surrounding me. Especially not when he was in the room. Especially not when she was by his side. No, quite often I would feel how he, my friend, would stray away from me just for her. I could only feel a slight hint of all the jealousy. For her or his friendship, I was not sure.

But, as always Clare would leave. Clare and I were always friends, since we were very young. But, recently enough, around the time of her meeting with Jace, and my meeting with him, I started to fall for the small things she did. These things were the things that I had never noticed before. But, oddly enough, since I had not yet even caught on completely, she sensed it too. And, we made a sad attempt to experiment with this new found chemistry, this period ending very, very quickly. So, there was no evidence towards the jealousy I felt.

Jace came to sit down next to me, his golden hair hitting the light like a lion's mange. He glanced at me while twisting his body and crossing his legs, a slight smirk played across his face.

"Clare is having a girl's night with Isabelle," Jace said.

"Oh, that's cool," I say back, not really knowing why he is telling me.

"So, you wanna watch a movie and have a boy's night?" he said back.

"Oh! Oh. Yeah, that sounds good," I said. My nerves catching up.  I get mad at myself as I tell myself that I shouldn't feel so nervous. He only wants to watch a movie with me. There is nothing scary about that.

"Do you like scary movies?" his golden eyes glitter in the sunlight. He almost seems mischevious on top of his angelic persona.

"I love them!" I blurt out all too quickly. I hate them. What was I thinking? I hate what nerves do to me.

"Great, scary movie it is. See you later!" He says as he gets up and shoots me cute little finger guns.

I watch him smoothly walk away. I am an idiot, I think to myself, an absolute idiot.

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