"Y-yeah!" She smiled back, her grin just as wobbly. She was glad to have him as a partner.

"That was SO MANLY!!" A rough voice said to the side, and they jumped in surprise before turning to face none other than Tetsutetsu and Ochako. Both had stars in their eyes, but considering the tone of the voice, it was obviously the boy with an iron quirk that said that. "Dude, with how you look I didn't expect you to say something so manly! You're the beast!" Tetsutetsu gushed.

Ochako, who was by his side, nodded excitedly. "Totally, Deku-kun! With how wimpy you are in the class I don't see you speaking confidently that much!" And Uraraka's brutal honesty makes him go crashing down.

"T-thanks, I guess?" The boy sweat dropped.

Itsuka herself was wide eyed from the girl's bluntness. 'Talk about tactless, holy crap!' However, something that Uraraka said drew her attention.

"Hey, Izuku?" She called the boy and both him and the other two looked at her. "Why is she calling you 'Deku'?"

The boy gave her a soft smile, his eyes glassed as he seemed to remember something. "It's my Hero Name." He said proudly.

She couldn't help but smile as well, seeing her friend so happy. And the best part is that she knew where that name came from! "Based around those enemies inside that tree in Legend of Zilda?"

Izuku paused and blinked. "Oh, I guess it could have been taken that way, too!" What. "But it's a childhood nickname Kacchan put on me when my quirk hadn't manifested yet. It meant useless, basically."

"Then why use it as a Hero Name?" So she didn't know where it came from, after all. Nice going, dumbass.

"Someone changed the meaning it had for me." Itsuka didn't really know how it happened but she'd be willing to bet it was the brown haired girl who did it, judging by the way he was looking at her.

"That's cute and all, children." An old voice said behind them, and they turned to face none other than Recovery Girl. As she walked to her seat the screen turned on, revealing an urban scenario they immediately associated with one of their training grounds. "But the exams are about to start." She finished as she sat up on her chair.

"First up are Kosei and Acid girl, right?" Tetsu asked. Kendo nodded as she looked up at the screen with him.

"Must be nerve-wrecking going first." She couldn't help but comment.

"I don't think that's the case for her." Izuku spoke up, drawing both their attentions. "Ashido-san doesn't have confidence issues like that." He said, knowing the pink girl was pretty confident in her abilities. "I'm sure order won't be something that will bother her. The enemy's skills, though...That probably will."

"Didn't you say you were going to be thinking about your strategy, Deku-kun?" Ochako chimed in and he blushed embarrassedly.

"Oh yeah... Sorry..." He apologized as he turned around and started pacing around the room with his finger on his chin. Uravity giggled as she witnessed her friend being weird again, Tetsutetsu scratching his head in confusion and Itsuka looking with stars in her eyes.

  -------------------------------LINE BREAK---------------------------------- 

 "Team Ashido-Tsuburaba: Practical Exam. Ready, go!"

"Yoooo, it's time!" Mina called out excitedly. "Let's kick Cementoss-sensei's butt!"

"YEAH!" Kosei grinned as they rushed through the gate. With all their speed and energy, they ran on the streets of the test grounds, searching for their opponent eager as they normally are. The duo advanced quickly, covering as much as they could with their eyes and ears ready for any danger.

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