Saving WWE And Returning

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Elizabeth's POV

WWE is getting attacked and I'm supposed to save them. When Karen Jarrett calls me out which is about to happen.

"So, if we can have the younger Ambrose come out before something happens to her brother." Karen calls me out. I see everyone laid out and they had my brother hanging by his feet. Being held by Kong.

My theme

The fans went CRAZY!!

"Leave my brother alone and leave everyone here in the WWE alone too Jerrett." I say. As I go in the ring.

"Liza." My brother said. That just broke my heart when Jon called me. Him being so weak makes my heart shattered. The blood is rushing to his head.

"You'll have to choose Eliza, your brother and WWE or us and TNA." Angelina Love came up to me.

Then, I hear Vince's theme.

"You let her brother go now." Vince say. He got in the ring and stood right beside me.

"What is it Liza? Your psycopathic brother or -." I just lost it. I attack Kong and the TNA roster and everyone from WWE checked on my brother.

"Here's your answer Jarrett, I'M BACK IN WWE FOREVER!!" I yelled. I took off my Knockouts championship belt and tossed it to the side. The fans went once again CRAZY!!

My brother was being helped up by everyone. He comes around and he sees me and comes running in and hugs me to death.

"You ok?" I ask him

"Yea I'm fine." He says

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Yea." He tells me

Then, I raise the mic to my lips.

"Karen, you and the whole TNA roster need to watch their backs because I might jump you from behind." I warned the whole TNA roster.

"You probably need to take your psychopathic brother to a mental asylum, Liza along with you." Jeff says

"Also, when I was in TNA, you guys decided to target my brother and the whole entire WWE." I said

"You need to realize Jarrett, I don't allow my family and friends here in WWE getting hurt." I said.

"You and the whole WWE need to watch their backs so the same thing won't happen to your brother again." Angelina told me

Then, they left.

I turn to see everyone in the ring along with my best friends. They all hug me to death. Seth came up to me and said that he was sorry for betraying the Shield. I forgave him.

"Let's go backstage." I told everyone.

"Ok." They say.

Time to be with my brother and best friends here in WWE.

"Are really going to stay here in WWE?" Colby asks me

"Yep." I said

"Well its good to have you back." Joe says to me

"It is great to be back." I say and Jon hugged me again.

"Can't... breathe." I said

"Sorry." He says

"It okay." I say

Elizabeth Ann Good (Tna Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ