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Jack Kelly told me to run, so I ran. I ran behind Jack. What was running from? I don't know. Where was I going? I didn't know that either. I did know that Spot was probably worried sick. Jack pulled me into an alley. "You run like a girl!" He teased. I stood there horrified. Did he actually figure me out? Did he know? "Take it easy man. It's just a joke." He said realizing my fear. I leaned against the brick alley wall. "You wanna come to the lodge for the night? We got an extra bed." Jack asked. I wanted to go. I didn't want to have to explain this to Spot. "I've gotta get back to Brooklyn. The boys are probably lookin' for me." I replied. "See ya" I said as I tipped my hat to him. My hair fell to my shoulders. Jack stood there completely dumbfounded. I took off running again.
        I ran all the way home. When I came in the door, all the boys looked up at me. Spot was the first one to come up to me. "Where were you? Are you hurt? Did Jack get to you? Did you get to him?" He slowly got angrier. "I told you to stay away from him! I told you not to leave!" He was now scaring me. He kept yelling. I finally sprinted out the door. I ran back to Manhattan. I almost mowed down some kid. I stopped. He was tall, skinny, yet strong. He had chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. I just stared at him. I was completely lovestruck. "Can you tell me the way to the Newsies' Lodge?" I asked dreamily. He pointed me to it and I slowly walked away. He was so perfect. I was still thinking about him when arrived at the Lodge.
        I put my hair back in my cap and knocked on the door. A boy with a crutch answered the door. "Can I talk to Jack Kelly?" I asked sheepishly. The boy looked me up and down then turned around. "Jack! You's got some guy here to see you!" He shouted. Jack walked outside to meet me. He looked confused, but happy. "What're you doing here?" He asked. "I would like to take you up on that offer." I said. "You don't have to wear that hat. We's ok with girls." He responded. "You sure?" I asked. I couldn't take my chances. He pushed me up against the wall and smashed his lips into mine. I tried to move a way at first, but then I started to kiss back. His lips were rough but sweet. He pulled back to take a breath. "I'm pretty sure it's okay." He took me into the lodge. "Boys, this is my friend, she's going to stay with us tonight." Jack announced. "Hi! I'm Ruthy, but everyone calls me Cookie. I'm from Brooklyn." I said. The boys looked amazed. "Spot allowed a girl into his group? How did you hide your beautiful hair?" One of the boys asked. "Hey! That beautiful hair and the girl is mine, Romeo!" Jack scolded the boy and put his arm around me. "Spot was forced to take me in. He couldn't leave me on the streets. I am his sister after all." I replied. The boys took a step back. Nobody knew that Spot had a sister. He liked to keep me hidden and safe. I suddenly began to miss Brooklyn. I missed Spot. Jack noticed I was upset. He took me over to one of the bunk beds. "This one's yours. I'm right above you if you need me." He said. I laid down and fell asleep.

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