We stick together.

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~Christine's POV~

Me and Stevie have gotten on this past week, I still have my suspicions about her trying to take my place in the band, but other than that she seems lovely...I think I actually like her, maybe me and her could be friends in the future but I highly doubt it.


Stevie lays on the couch and turns away from me. 

"Everything alright?"


"How did the doctors appointment go?"

"It went okay"

"Are you pregnant?"

Stevie doesn't say anything, she just stares at the celling. I get up and sit on the edge of the couch, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"I got rid of it"

Stevie starts crying, I take hold of her hand and pull her up in to a hug; I rub circles on the small of her back to try and sooth her. Poor girl, it was probably the only chance she had to start a family with Lindsey, I don't mean to sound nasty but her and Lindsey aren't going to last another year at the most. Stevie's sobs become louder and she is shaking violently.

"It's alright, everythings going to be alright"

"I...I...I'm sorry"

"Don't you dare apologise, you have nothing to be sorry for, Stevie"

I tighten my grip on Stevie and she begins to calm down, I shush her and stroke the back of her head. 

"Everything ok girls?"

I look up at Mick and nod. He smiles and walks back out, Stevie pulls away from me and wipes her tears away.

"Why are you being so nice to me? Lindsey told me that he had to practically bribe you to spend time with me the other week"

"Alright, I'm going to be honest, I don't like you, I haven't since I first met you, but I'm not going to stand here and watch someone I'm probably going to be spending a lot of time with upset and go through a hard time. Stevie, I'm going to be here for you no matter what, but it doesn't mean I have to like you"

Stevie lets out a small giggle and smiles weakly.

 "Thank you, Christine"

"No problem"

Lindsey walks in and sits at the opposite side of the room. He glares over at me and Stevie.

"Can you give me and Stevie and moment please, Christine?"


I notice Stevie looking at me, as if she is begging me not to leave; I smile and rub her knee to reassure her that I'll be outside. I get up and leave.

~Stevie's POV~

I sit on the sofa playing nervously with my fingers, I look up at Lindsey and I see that he is angry, oh God does he know about the baby? I look down at the floor and swallow the lump in my throat.

"Is everything, baby?" I ask, my voice shaky and nervous.

"Oh I don't know, you tell me, Stevie"

"I don't know what you're trying to get, Lindsey"

"Who's this guy or girl, if you in to that shit, that you're fucking?"

"I'm not fucking anyone, Lindsey"

"Where were you last night then?"

"I was at a friends"

"Don't lie to me Stevie!!!"

"I'm not lying!!!"

Lindsey sighs and rubs his forehead, I get up and walk over to him, kneeling infront of him I take his hand in mine and with the other hand I cup his cheek, bringing his head down and kissing him lovingly.

"I would never ever do anything like to hurt you, Lindsey, I love you"

"But why didn't you come home last night?"


Before I could say anymore Christine bursts in.

"She was with me, we went out and I told not to bother calling you because I would call you, but I forgot, I'm sorry"

Christine has just literally saved my life, I owe her big tome for that.

"It's fine, I'm just thinking too much in to things"

"It's all that pot"

He laughs a little and presses a kiss to my forehead. I get up and I pull him up with me, pulling him in to a tight hug.

"I'm staying with Mick tonight, we need to get the drum and guitar part done on both of your songs you've just recorded" 

"Sound good, babe"

"I'll see you tomorrow"

Lindsey leaves without saying goodbye, he just smiles.

"Thanks for that, Christine"

"It's fine"

I sigh loudly and lazyly put my hands on my hips. I look up at Christine and smile.

"It's been a long day, Chris"

"I know, Stevie, a few more hours and we'll be out of here until Monday"

"Thank God for that"

Christine takes out a cigarette and lights it, she offers me one, I politely refuse and grab a bottle of water off the table.

"So, Stevie, how are you feeling?"

"I feel a bit sick, but other then that I feel fine"

"Good, I'm always here for you, if you need a friendly chat or a shoulder to cry on, I'm always here"

"You're a good person, Chris"

Christine smiles and walks out. I sit on couch and tilt my head back and close my eyes. I wish they were male versions of Christine, she's so kind and caring, she'd be perfect for me. Before I know it I've fallen in to a deep sleep. Maybe things will get better between me and Lindsey, only time can tell.

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