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Thousands of years ago, only 2 years before the dreaded Darkstalker himself was hatched, a different family near a nest under the light of the three moons, one of which was full, two NightWings were awaiting the hatching of their egg. The father, Thanatos, was impatiently hopping from talon to talon waiting for the egg to finally turn silver, signaling that it was about to hatch. All the while listening to the thoughts of the dragoness next to him ramble about her concerns for the egg.

What if she doesn't tonight like she was supposed to. What if we're not ready to raise a dragonet. I wonder what she'll look like. Thanatos better not step on her with all the bouncing he's doing right now.

At that last thought he stopped his bouncing and turned to her and said
"Three moons Allseer, she'll be fine." He said with a chuckle. " you foresaw her hatching tonight didn't you? And I'm not going to step on her, I'm almost offended that you think of me to be so careless."

He heard her thoughts go silent as she blocked her thoughts from him before she looked up, slightly annoyed and said.
"I thought I told you to not read my mind, you know uncomfortable that makes me."

"Sorry, but with how loud your thoughts are right now it's hard not to" he laughed.

"Humph. Well to answer your question yes, I foresaw her hatching tonight, but you and I both know that visions are not always correct."

He nodded. While Allseer's visions rarely are wrong it's been known to happen. Perhaps this is one of those times.
His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden silver glow lighting up below him. Thanatos and Allseer looked at each other with excitement in their eyes before turning their attention back towards their egg. It had finally turned silver and hairline cracks where starting to appear. Now Allseer was bouncing from talon to talon in anticipation, Thanatos had to but his tongue to stop himself from making a remark about that. But soon all of that was forgotten as a tiny talon broke its way out of the egg, closely followed by another and small head poked it's way out. From what Thanatos could see, his daughter had no silver scales on the corner of her eyes that would reveal her to be a mind reader like him, instead she was going to be a seer just like her mother. He smiled as the dragonet gazed up at him and chirped. His smile faltered though when he looked into his daughters mind and saw the visions of the future she surprisingly was already having.

He saw images of an older version of her flying overhead of an army of IceWings sleeping in the desert. Then he saw flashes of her journeying throughout Pyrrhia and also through unfamiliar lands and overseas. The last vision was of what looked to be a dormant volcano, then the visions stopped and his dragonet blinked as though she had already forgotten what she saw and didn't yet understand. Allseer noticed his pause and he vaguely heard her ask what was wrong.

"I think I know what we should name her" was all he said in reply.

"You know that her name is up to me not you, but if I like it enough I might let it happen. And you didn't answer me.

Thanatos finally looked away from his daughter, who had finally broken completely free from her egg, and back up at Allseer and said.


AN: hello there, I'm SenecaRocks and this is my first story on this account! This is a Wings of Fire fanfiction and I hope you guys will like it. Just to warn you though, updates will probably be very slow.

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