Chapter 1: The Jedi Temple

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General Pong Krell's military returned to the Jedi Temple. He hardly stayed at the temple, but Krell made quick stops to rest his troops and refuel his ships.

Ahsoka headed towards the ramp of the Cruiser. She loved visiting the temple, mostly because Krell couldn't hurt her here. Her Master was waiting for her at the ramp.

  "Here," he grunted, tossing Ahsoka a hooded cloak that covered her entire body. Ahsoka sighed and slipped it on. The coat covered her bruised and scared limbs. The hood hid her abused montrals and lekkus. Her face was perfect except for the slap mark that was barely visible, so there was no need to cover her face.

Together, the Master and Padawan entered the Jedi Temple. Some Jedi nodded to Krell in a greeting. He didn't return the gesture. Ahsoka followed him wordlessly, struggling to keep up with his long, determined strides. They walked to the war council chamber where Master Mace Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon and Anakin Skywalker were waiting.

  "Master Pong Krell," Mace Windu greeted. The Jedi bowed to each other, including Ahsoka.

  "Koh-to-yah, Little 'Soka," Master Plo greeted.

  "Koh-to-yah, Master Plo," she replied with a smile.

  "Congratulations on your latest victory, Master Krell," Anakin Skywalker congratulated. His tone was firm, but genuine.

  "My thanks, Master Skywalker. More victories like this will turn the tide of the war to our favor." Krell turned to Master Windu. "Any new missions for my battalion, Master Windu?"

  "As a matter of fact, there is," the Jedi Master replied. He typed in a code into the holo table to produce what he wanted. While Mace pushed the buttons, Pong Krell clapped his left bottom hand onto Ahsoka's shoulder, making her flinch. Anakin winced as he watched. It must be weird to have a Master who has four arms. Master Krell didn't take his eyes off of the projector.

  "Padawan, I must ask you to wait outside," he ordered.

  Ahsoka sighed. "Yes, Master." She bowed to the Jedi and left the room.

Obi-Wan glanced at Anakin in a secret suggestion. Anakin's eyes widened in a "What? Why?" expression. Obi-Wan just glanced at the exit where the Togruta had walked through, then back at Anakin. The former Padawan understood the message and sighed. He left the war council room to find Ahsoka Tano.

Relief washed over Ahsoka as she sat on the floor against a wall outside of the war room. A few minutes away from that monster was a treat. A gift. And Ahsoka was gonna enjoy it. Unexpectedly, Master Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, walked out of the room and stopped next to the girl. Ahsoka's blue eyes widened in shock. Him, out of all people, left the briefing to... well, Ahsoka's didn't have the slightest clue what he was doing.

  "Hey," Master Skywalker greeted casually. "Mind if I sit with you?" Ahsoka shook her head, so Anakin sat down next to her. "I thought you may need company," he explained. Ahsoka swallowed the saliva that was flooding her mouth.


  "No problem." An awkward silence grew between them. "So," Anakin began to break the silence. "what's it like being General Pong Krell's Padawan?"

  Ahsoka shuddered. "It's... it's fine. You just have to get used to the four arms." Anakin smiled and let out a single, breathy chuckle. Ahsoka smiled shyly at the laugh, thankful that the hood covered her face. Then Ahsoka asked, "Are you really the Chosen One?"

  Anakin shrugged. "I honestly don't know." Ahsoka nodded, accepting his answer.

At that moment, Master Krell marched through the doorway to where the two were sitting. Ahsoka and Anakin stood up as he approached. Ahsoka tensed as he walked closer.

  "We must be leaving, Tano," Krell announced. "We will be staying at the Temple for a few days." When Ahsoka didn't move, he grabbed her arm and dragged his Padawan along. As she stumbled after her Master, Ahsoka desperately glanced back at Anakin. But his back was turned and was entering the briefing room, probably to talk to Master Kenobi. Ahsoka bit her lip and just allowed herself to be dragged to her room. At least here at the Temple, her room wasn't connected to Pong Krell's.

  "Do we have a new mission, Master?" Anakin asked Obi-Wan.

  "Indeed we do." Obi-Wan replied. "And it's with Master Pong Krell."

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