Party Island Ep. 2

Start from the beginning

Flash to...
"thanks for shooting the clown April"#5 says

A female waitress hands Chanel a glass and goes back to the kitchen as the tray is empty. She pushes the door to reveal several staff members, but not as many as their was before the island was booked. The chief calls to the waitress,
"more wine Kerry, check the cellar in the basement quickly! " he scurries her along
" Bill! " she yells to the overweight man," don't rush me" she smiles and walks to a back door and runs down the steps. Just as she comes off the wooden steps, she throws her hands up pulling on a string illuminating the room. There are several isles of wines, with a letter to show that they are stacked alphabet. She glides through the isles landing on 'C'  and pulls out three bottles of chardonnay, two in her hands and another under her arm. She struggles towards the stairs as she walks up entering the kitchen and placing the bottles on the counter. Down in the basement, a clown and a fox stand in a corner weilding two axes each.

Zayday laughs as her and Grace talk, number 5 joins them very cheerful that her full mouth of teeth were showing. Rita, Carol and Rider approach Chanel as Rita trips Carol,
"woops, sorry, gotta watch your step" she smiles widely into her glass as she lightly sips.
Carol rolls her eyes and walks over to sit, her short black dress had mesh at the top, bottom and both sides. Her hair was swept to one side and her red lipstick dazzled under the disco ball. Her heart ached at the fact that Rita kept pretending to be nice around Chanel only to prey on everyone when the latter is not around.

April reaches home and closes the door behind her. Her cat runs up to her purring as she bends down to play with him, only to get back up and notice her pants stained red. Horrified she looks down to see a trail of blood leading to her bathroom, she relunctantly follows it to reveal a dead bird in her bathtub filled with dilute blood and a note on the wall,
'you won't save them again'

April screams as she closes her eyes hoping it's a dream.

Kerry comes back from the cellar for the fifth time that night and has to go back down there again, she sighs heavily and pleads to Bill with her eyes,
"fine! I'll get this round " Bill says as he smiles and heads into the cellar.
Kerry walks out as she hears 'lightning' playing.
Just as this is playing a brunette walks in(Nina Dobrev),
" hey Chanel! " she waves as her floral dress blew in the nights wind
" what in fresh hell is this"

The two Chanels, Zayday, Grace and Dean Munsch push the brunette from earlier in Dean Munsch's sweet,
"Chanel #4,what... why... how? " Dean Munsch stutters
" Chanel told you I had meningitis when the truth is I was pregnant "

4 years ago

Chanel catches #4 throwing up again,
" I thought I told you to get rid of that thing"
"I'm not killing my baby! "
" shhh, not so loud" Chanel closes the bathroom door, "so you prefer bending over a toilet than being free"
#4 throws up some more,
#4 gets up and rinses her mouth in the sink. Chanel looks on with disgust,
"I have no choice but to kick you out of Kappa "
" what, that will be  humiliating, I can't "
" then go home, I'll find a lie to tell people "
" and this isn't because I slept with Chad and you feel threatened by me somehow? "
" not a chance slut! " Chanel rolls her eyes," now go pack! "
The bathroom door springs open and the other Chanels stand there,
" does this mean I've been promoted to #4?"
"shut up #5!"
"I've got a colonic " #2 says blowing them a kiss.

" always a colonic with that gas lighting bitch! " Chanel says
Grace rolls her eyes,
" well, why are you back? "
" I got a text from some guy named Unknown "
" oh my God, it was clearly blocked number you bimbo! "
" Chanel, calm down " Zayday says," clearly Aiden is just trying to mess with us."

A knock is heard at the door, Chanel goes to answer revealing a fox mask staring back at them and a knife is raised and plunges down towards Chanel,
"aaaahhhhh! "

#3 lies in bed,
" what happened? " she asks Hester
" apparently your boyfriend took over your body"
"what, that's impossible "
" yeah, ever try telling him that"
"I have to go " #3 says attempting to sit up but she is too weak
" whoa there, your not going anywhere "
#3 looks at her with fear as precipitation flowed down her flustered cheeks.
" well not until your better your not" Hester says with a broad smile across her face
#3 feels for her earmuffs and the psychic hands them to her as she makes her presence known. #3 puts on her earmuffs slowly,
"psycho? "
" call me Jennifer "
" candle vlogger" #3 laughs as Hester smiles, "what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see if you got rid of your boyfriend's spirit... Apparently not" she says taking a seat next to the bed and directly infront of Hester,
"what are we gonna do with you? "

Rita smiles while drinking, she looks to Carol who sits talking to Rider,
"so should I ask her out? "
" Chanel is the kinda girl who likes... Rich guys, but go for it you never know right? "
" yeah " Rider smiles and leaves for the kitchen.
Carol sits bobbing her head along to 'bodak yellow'. She looks up to find Rita standing in front of her, she clears her throat and stands up to leave. Rita places a hand on her shoulder,
" oh by all means stay"

April packs quickly, throwing everything in her suitcase as her curly hair dangled in her face, a messaged popped up on her phone,
'going somewhere? '

She types back,
'I don't know how you can see me from Blood Island but just know that the last thing you'll see is me'

She throws down her phone and closes her suitcase,
"go fuck yourself clown! "

Grace paces in Dean Munsch' s bathroom as the thought of what Brad said ate up her brain,
" who could be coming for me? Who's she? " she bit on her nails as her straight hair shook by her movements.
Zayday comes from Dean Munsch's room and spots Grace,
" there you are"
"yeah, here I am" Grace says looking down, "How Chanel?"
"she's stable but we can't leave because the fox is still outside " Zayday notices how worried Grace looks, "why'd you leave just now? "
" what Chanel did reminded me of my mom "
" spill! "
"what if she's alive, I mean you heard what Brad said and I know it sounds crazy but what if it's true? "
"well if it is, who better to find out than her sleuthing daughter and sleuthing best friend? "
" you'll really do this with me? "
" ofcourse girl "
" if she is alive, then she must be a carbon copy of Chanel and one is already bad enough" Grace looks at Zayday who stands their dumbfounded.

#3 sneaks out of her bed and tiptoes over to her bedroom door but as suspected it was locked. She falls to her knees crying.

How was it?
What does Chanel #4 want?
Do you think Grace's mom is alive?
What is up with #5?
Dean munsch promised top notch security, where is it?
April got an amazing storyline going but will she make it to Blood Island?
The countdown has already started for season 4 to end,
8 more chapters guys.
Don't forget to vote and comment,  thanks for 600+ views, closer to 1k guys. Xoxo sluts.

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