"do you believe in aliens?"

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Oikawa sat down on the park bench staring at the sky, with tears running down his face.  

"Come on shittykawa you've got to get over this thing you have for Shouyo!"

"I know Iwa-chan but it's ... it's just hard..." He looked down not knowing what to do. Hinata was on another team ... and karasuno for that matter ... just to add salt to the wound, and with the chemistry hinata and tobio there's no way he could even get close to him.

"I'm gonna take walk and clear my head."

"Fine... but Toru... please it hurts me to see you like this."

Oikawa looked at the stars...

Breath in breath out. Calm down Toru you can do this there's no chemistry between the two of you and it's not like anything is ever ...


"Huh?" Oikawa looked at the person talking

"Oikawa are... are you ok ?" Hinata stared down at oikawa, noticing the tears, he sat down.

"Oh yeah I'm... I'm fine, I just ... Do you believe in aliens?"

Hinata looked at oikawa and smiled.

"Do you?"

"Yeah. I do they're really interesting actually they ... never mind. It's not important."

"What do you mean it's not important ... it's important to you so it's gotta be important."

"No it's just ... I don't wanna bore you."

"It's pretty hard for me to get bored."

Both of them laughed. Oikawa looked at the sky again, a shooting star passed by...

"Make a wish."

"What ?" They looked at each other.

"Make a wish, there was a shooting star."

"Oh" oikawa looked down ... the only thing I want to wish for is you shouyo.

"Did you make a wish?" Hinata looked as giddy as he always does, making oikawa's heart flutter.

"Um ... yeah I did."


"Well what..."

"What did you wish for?"

"Aren't you, um, not supposed to tell anyone or your wish doesn't come true?" Hinata smiled wider and laughed.

"No that's birthday wishes."

"Oh... well um " oikawa was looking down and blushing. He couldn't just tell hinata what he wished for.

"I'll tell you what I wished for first if you want?" A small blush dusted hinata's cheeks.

"Um sure ..."

"Well I kinda ... wishedforyou." Hinata sped the last part of his sentence up, but not enough that oikawa didn't hear.

He looked at hinata with wide eyes.

"You what?"

"Oh please don't make me say it again!" Hinata looked exasperated, like he couldn't believe what he had said.

"I um I wished for you too." Oikawa looked back down as a blush covered his entire face.

"You did?"

"Yeah I..." oikawa was cut off when hinata pressed lips against oikawa's own. It took him a second to react but when he did it was like fireworks going off in his head and stomach. This. This right here is what he wanted. He wanted to feel the fireworks he knew he would.

They pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"Yes." Hinata looked like his face would split from smiling so wide.

"What're you talking about?"

"I do believe in aliens."

The two of them laughed and spent the rest of that summer night holding their hands together and telling each other about anything... although aliens was a big topic.

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