Can't Ignore This

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Draco stood outside Harry's office tapping his foot impatiently. What. An. Idiot.

The prick thought he could just disappear for two weeks and ignore this little problem. He had been waiting outside this office for ten minutes now, according to schedule Harry would leave his office and second now.

The door knob twisted and Harry walked out. When Harry saw Draco his eyes darted about and he almost disapperated on the spot.

"Don't you dare. You complete prick" Draco threatened, crossing his arms.
Draco raised an eyebrow.
"Seriously? Two weeks of avoiding this whole thing and that's what you got to say about it?"
Harry scratched the back of his neck and shrugged sheepishly.
Draco sighed deeply.

"Take my hand" Draco commanded.
"What?" Harry asked dumbly.
"Not in marriage you idiot in case you forgot we already have. We're going to get this sorted out and you are coming with me"
"...I guess that's fair" Harry mumbled, while awkwardly taking Dracos hand.
"Yeah no shit Pothead"
"Don't call me a pothead Malfoy" Harry said.
"Oh wow what you gunna do about it" Draco mocked.
Then they swirled into another spinning room, standing there Harry recognised it immediately.

"Hey! This isnt a lawyer's office what are you playing it?"
Draco rolled his eyes and walked over to a big Oak desk and picked up some papers.
"Unlike you I was actually helpful and turns out we can't divorce until we've been married four months so get used to it or go back into hiding like you're so good at" Draco explained tiredly, forcing the papers into Harry's hands.

Harry skim read the papers and then realised Draco was acctually right.
"So...what are we going to do"
Draco flopped onto the bed and ran his fingers through his hair, somehow lifting up his shirt stop looking Harry.
"As far as I see, we've two options. We acctually try to make it work or we do this fantastic ignoring and pretending thing you like doing" Draco said wearily.

"Listen I was just like...scared I guess. Stop being a dick about it"
"So you can go to Voldemort and prepare to die but you can't handle a drunk accidental marriage." Draco asked, sounding done.
"Maybe I wanted to die, besides I didn't really want to be accidentally married"

Draco sat up and studied Harry for a minute.
"Why did you want to die?" He asked curiously.
"Why did I... This isn't a counselling session Malfoy. I think you're missing the point"
"Damn sorry for asking mr sensitive. Okay so what do you want to do?"
"I want a drink, actually a few." Harry said wistfully.
"Be serious Harry, we need to decide what we're doing"
Harry bit his lip and weighted out his options.

If I stay I'll fall for this prick and he'll end it at the end so that seems like a bad idea. But then again, to pass this opportunity to date Malfoy and maybe even do other things like...holding hands. Be serious Harry, this could hurt you in the long term.

"Take me out to dinner sometime then" Harry said carefully, looking at the floor.
"I think you'll be the one taking me out to dinner"
Harry rolled his eyes and gave Malfoy a look of stop-being-a-difficult-idiot.
"Try me" Harry threatened.

Draco sat up on the bed, eyeing Harry thoughtfully.
"Well I did but it's a shame I can't remember, might need to try you again"
Harry looked at him with wide eyes before suppressing a smile.
"I'll see you Friday for dinner" Harry pressed.
"What. A. Tease"
"What can I say, you gotta work for this" Harry shrugged his shoulders before disapperating home, to have a cold one (with the boys).

Passed Out Drunk. Woke Up Married. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن