"Aw, why should we let a girl like you go out all on her own? It's almost dark." One of them said. He was smirking all the way, stupid lopsided hat and all. Kirstin groaned, trying to wrench her hand from the grip.

"I know it's getting dark out. That's why I want to go home. I want to get there before the sun goes down. Now get off of me." Kirstin argued, still struggling against the man's grip.

"We know who you are, Kirstin Maldonado. Everyone knows who you are. You're a lot prettier without all the retouching on those photos, you know." He whispered into Kirstin's ear.

"Oh, you are the last person who should be making comments about my body. Let go of me before I hi-," Kirstin began, but was cut off.

"Hey, can you guys let go of her please?" Someone asked. Kirstin's head whipped around to see Scott walking towards the group. One thing about Scott is that he was tall. He might be a little baby-faced, but being a solid three to five inches taller than most guys gave him some brownie points.

"Who the hell are you?" The man questioned, but let go of Kirstin's wrist, allowing her to back away from them. Scott smiled a little.

"I'm a good friend of hers." He said, stopping just in front of the man in the white shirt that had been holding onto Kirstin's wrist.

"Friendzoned, huh?" One of the others group members asked, smirking. Scott shook his head.

"We're just friends. Now let her go. Her parents are probably worried about her." Scott answered, finally getting close enough to size up the others. Kirstin hadn't realised how small they actually were. They barely reached Scott's jaw.

The group just stood face to face with Scott for a while, not saying or doing anything. Maybe this was a guy thing. Kirstin had stared someone down before, but it had never lasted this long.

"Hey, Scott, planning to make a move anytime soon?" A different voice called. It was high-pitched and a voice Kirstin didn't recognise. She looked over and saw a man wearing a long black-and-white coat, with all black clothes underneath. He looked sophisticated. He was wearing polished dress shoes to a park! Only fancy people and businessmen did that. Scott, however, immediately lit up and ran over to this unfamiliar man gleefully.

"Mitch! Is that actually you? I thought you were in England or something." Scott asked after effectively hugging this 'Mitch' near to death. His arm was still around the other man's shoulders.

"Not England, California. How do you mix those two up?" Mitch joked, then turned towards the group. "Anyways, do we have a problem? You shouldn't be bothering other people like that."

The men jolted, gaining a new kind of spunk back. The returned their faces to their arrogant smiles, blocking Kirstin from exiting again by pushing her up against the tree behind them. They had taken advantage of her shock. Of course.

"What's it to you?" They questioned.

"Just asking." The man smiled back, almost warm, but somehow condescending as well.

"What are you gonna do? You're scrawny as hell. You couldn't even stand up against us." The one in the red shirt cackled just a little before spitting in the direction of Mitch. The man just rolled his eyes before reaching into his trench coat and pulling out a gun. An assault rifle to be specific.

Holy shit this man has an assault rifle. He has a rifle!

Mitch began firing just above the heads of the group, hitting the tree mere inches above Kirstin's head. The rain of bullets lasted only for a few seconds, but it did some serious damage to the tree, and easily made the group disperse and run off.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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