Chapter 2 "Surpise Birthday"

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"Tsume's Reminiscence"

"Its been a year now, sense I started living here on Earth. Today is Goten's 4th birth day. So trunks and I are planning a little surpise for him. I hope he likes it."

Trunks: Tsume? You ready?

Tsume: Yap/ I got two of them. How many did you find, Trunks?

Trunks I found three. So let's see, 2+3=5. We hae 5 dragon balls and Goten has one dragon ball aready. So we just have one left to find, but right now we need to get to Goten's and start setting up for the party.

Tsume: Right. Let's go!

"Trunks took me to Goten's house where he got some stuff from Chichi and we headed into the woods to start setting things up for the birthday party. Trunks and I had everything ready in about an hour. We quiley hide ourselves. We heared Goten and his older brother stop moving, that's when we jumped out and yelled Surpise!!"

Gohan: I don't see then Goten, but it looks like they were here.

Trunks & Tsume: Surpise Goten!!!

Goten: Hahaha! Thanks guys.

Gohan: I'll leave you three to play.

Goten: Ok bro. Later!

Gohan: Later.

Trunks: Did you bring it?

Goten: Yap. Here's the four star ball. Did you guys get the rest?

Tsume: Almost. We still have one left to find.

Goten: Which one is that?

Trunks: The one star ball. That's at a volcano.

Tsume: Are we going to go get it now or after cake and ice cream?

Truns & Goten: After!

Goten: Let's eat!

Tsume: Yah.

Truns: Good thing the cake is already cut for us.

Goten & Tsume: Mhm!

"Flying to the Volcano"

Goten:Hey Trunks?

Trunks: What is it Goten?

Goten: What are you and Tsume going to wish for?

Trunks: I don't know yet.

Goten: What about you Tsume?

Tsume: I dont need to make a wish, just yet. I'm still thinking on it.

Goten: Oh. Ok. Guess we all need to think about it.

Truns: Sure sounds that way.

Tsume: There's the volcano.

Goten: Great!!! We can start looking for the last dragon ball!!

Trunks: yap. So let's get going.

Goten & Tsume: Right!

" 2 hours of searching"

Trunks: You guys find it yet?!

Goten: Nope.

Tsume: Oh. I see it.

Trunks: Where?

Tsume: Down there on that rock, in the middle of the volcano.

Goten: Yah!

"Trunks flies down and grabs the dragon ball and then flies back up to us. he noddes to Goten and me and the three of us fly back to the party where we left the rest of the dragon balls. Or so we thought."

Tsume: I don't know. I thought we left them right here.

Goten: We did leave them right here.

Truns: Maybe Gohan took them.

Goten: I'll go ask him.

" Goten left to get Gohan"

Trunks: Hmm...

Tsume: What's on your mind Trunks?

Trunks: I know what I going to wish for.

Tsume: So do I. Do you think Goten knows what he wants to wish for?

Trunks: I don't know, but knowing goten. It'll have to do with food.

Tsume: I think your right.

Goten: I found Gohan and he has the dragon balls. He'll be here with them in a moment.

Trunks & Tsume: Ok.

Gohan: Hey guys.

Everyone: Hey Gohan.

Gohan: Here are the dragon balls. Don't leave them in the open again, ok.

Everyone: Ok.

Goten: So can we summon the dragon now, Trunks?!

Trunks: Yeah.

"Summons dragon and dragon apperse"

Trunks: Goten. It's your birthday so you go first.

Goten: Ok. I wish for a gaint sunday!

Dragon: Your wish is granted.

"Gaint sunday apperase."

Trunks: Tsume your next.

Tsume: No. You go ahead of me Trunks.

Trunks: You sure?

Tsume: Yap.

Trunks: Ok. I wish for Goten to have the mest birthday ever.

Dragon: Your wish is granted.

Tsume: I wish that our friendship will last forever.

Dragon: your wish is my command. Your wish has been granted.

Goten: you guys want to help me eat my sunday?

Trunks & Tsume: Sure!

"The dragon balls all left and the three of us ate the gaint sunday and wound up with tummy ackes. *giggles* I wander what we're in for nexts?!"

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