Chapter 7

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"I have to go I'm having a meeting with Fury. mind if I take Tony?" Phil ask. Bruce held tighter to Tony.

"no he's not going into SHIELD without me. if Thor is right and they're experimenting on him, he's not going in without me, no offense to you Phil." Bruce said. Phil shrugged.

"what about if Steve goes? he's coming too and we really need to go." Phil said looking at his watch. Bruce bit his lip, but nodded.

"alright fine, but if anything happens to him, I will snap both your necks." Bruce said, carefully passing Tony over.

"where'd the bear come from?" Phil ask, noticing Tony clutched a green bear in one hand.

"Pepper. you guys missed that last night. he was having serious nightmares so I called Pepper to bring me some things and she brought him a bear. he likes it cause it's green, don't lose it." Bruce warned. Phil nodded shifting Tony gently. Tony looked up at him.

"Phil?" Tony ask. Phil smiled at him

"you're coming with me just for a little bit." Phil said. Tony nodded laying his head back down, pulling the bear closer.

"okay." Tony muttered tiredly. "I dropped Reid." Tony muttered.

"Reid?" Phil ask.

"the bear." Bruce replied, sipping his coffee. Phil looked down and noticed the bear on the floor.

"Steve, bear." Phil said. Steve shook his head getting up. he grabbed the bear and handed it back to Tony, who snatched it and cuddled it happily. he rubbed his eye's and looked over at Bruce.

"you'll be back on a little while." Bruce assured him, ruffling his hair gently as he walked back.

"stay out of my lab." Tony muttered.

"of course Tony." Bruce smiled. he watched Phil and Steve leave. "I'll be in the lab working on how to fix this." Bruce said. Phil carried Tony the whole way to SHIELD.

"is that Stark?" Agent Hill ask as they walked in. Phil nodded. "is he...?" Agent Hill ask.

"no he's awake. we just happened to pass by a clown on the way in."Steve said.

"oh I heard about what happened at the park from Agent Romanoff." Agent Hill said. Phil nodded. "you've dropped something." Agent Hill added, pointing behind him.

"Reid! come back!" Tony cried, reaching over Phils shoulder. Steve grabbed the bear and handed it back to Tony, who pulled it close and hugged it tightly.

"hey Stark." Agent Hill waived. Tony looked at her a moment, studying her.

"Maria?" Tony ask curiously. she nodded at him. "hi Maria!" Tony said, waiving his bear at her.

"hi." Maria laughed. "Fury's waiting for you guys." Maria said, pointing to Furys office. Phil nodded and carried Tony in, Steve following behind. Tony stared at the man a moment before hugging his bear and growling.

"I don't take my bear!" Tony growled. "he's mine!" Tony shouted. Fury raised an eye brow.

"I don't want your dumb bear." Fury replied.

"he's not dumb, you are." Tony said, blowing a raspberry at him. Fury walked over and looked him over.

"so this is Stark?" Fury ask.

"of course it's me! why does everyone ask that? did everyone take stupid pills and forget who I was?" Tony ask. Fury raised an eye brow.

"no Tony it's just that you've changed so much since any one here at SHIELD has seen you they don't recognise you." Phil replied, shooting Fury a pointed look. Fury frowned slightly.

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