The Wicked Side of Me:The Massacre

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Screams of agony echoed through the night. Cuphead ignored those screams,as he ripped apart his first victim. He wanted to stop, to run away,but,it felt so good. "Cuphead stop please stop, you're killing innocent people!" Mugman cried as he watched Cala Maria's body slump to the floor. Mugman cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Cala Maria,I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you." Mugman sobbed, rocking back and forth. "It's your turn now."Cuphead said,taking a step towards Mugman. "Cuphead, this isn't you. Snap out of it!"Mugman shouted."Too late."Cuphead said and ran at Mugman. Mugman jolted awake,in a cold sweat. He sat there,crying for a few minutes. "Mugs, you okay in there." Cuphead's asked concerned. "You can come in." Mugman said as Cuphead opened Mugman's room door. "Did you have a nightmare?" Cuphead asked. Mugman nodded. Cuphead hugged his little brother "Don't worry bro,I'll protect you." He said. "Cuphead, Mugman! You have to visit Cala Maria today."Elder Kettle shouted from downstairs. "Alright, we're almost ready!" Cuphead shouted back. 10 minutes later,the Cupbros ran downstairs. "We're going to visit Cala Maria!" Mugman shouted happily. With a splash,the Cupbros were on their way to meet Cala Maria. "Wait Cuphead!" Mugman said, grabbing Cuphead's tail. "What Mugman, let's go already!" Cuphead said impatiently. "Okay."Mugman said, swimming ahead. After an hour, the Cupbros made it to Cala Maria's palace. "I hope Cala Maria's home." To their shock, and horror,they found Cala Maria, dead. Her body was covered in cuts and bites, blood pooling from a gash on her throat. "Cala, please wake up,please." Mugman sobbed picking up the limp body, rocking back and forth, whimpering. "Come on, Mugs, let's go,Elder Kettle wants us home by dinner." Cuphead said, changing the subject. "Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like, I killed her?" Cuphead thought, feeling sort of.... hungry. After Mugman and Elder Kettle had fallen asleep, Cuphead ran to Baroness von Bon Bon's castle. "Hello Cuphead." Baroness said as she waved at him. Cuphead grinned hungrily up at Baroness. Cuphead leaped at Baroness, digging his claws into her chest, trying to tear her throat out. Baroness kicked Cuphead off her and grabbed her gun. "Cuphead what's wrong with you! Snap out of it!" Baroness shouted at Cuphead,to no affect. Cuphead grinned, displaying fangs. Suddenly a rock hit Cuphead,he whirled around. Mugman was standing in the doorway,rock in hand. "Cuphead, I don't know what's wrong with you, but you have to snap out of it!" Cuphead walked towards Mugman, but Baroness whacked him in the head with a chair. Cuphead slumped to the ground. " Are you okay, Baroness? Did Cuphead try to hurt you?" Mugman asked concerned about Baroness' safety. "Your brother tried to tear my throat out! I think Cuphead made a deal with the Devil." Baroness replied, looking down at the unconscious Cuphead. She sighed and picked up Cuphead. "Wait, Baroness, I have a idea." Mugman said. He grabbed a chair,some rope,duct tape,and a blindfold. Working with Baroness,they tied up Cuphead. "Cuphead will wake up soon,you should go home,tell Elder Kettle what happened."Baroness said. "What'll happen to Cuphead?" Mugman asked. The Baroness sighed. "I'll take of him, what he needs right now, though,is rest. She untied Cuphead,and tucked him into bed. "I hope Cuphead recovers,I hope he fights this demon, consuming him." Mugman thought as he ran home to tell Elder Kettle. "He needs me now,more than ever!"
"Cuphead I will help you,fight this demon,I swear!"
*To Be Continued 😉*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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