"I was bested."

"You were bested." He laughed weakly. "You were BESTED. My invincible brother."

"She begged to know one person in her life, Elijah. She died holding her daughter." How much ever death and blood he had seen, seeing Helena die had shaken him. "We have to find my daughter."
The brothers left the church, and sped toward the grave yard. The walked around for nearly one hour before realising that they were getting nowhere.

"The tombs are empty, the grounds are deserted! She's not here!" Shouted Elijah. He needed to save his niece. Needed too. Not only for Ginny, but for himself. He was glad that Ginny had wanted to visit her family back in England, two weeks ago and still hadn't come back, and wasn't going to be for at least a few more days. He needed to mentally prepare himself to tell her about the death of her best friend. Even though, the wand wielders, were immortal, and the only thing that could actually kill them was the death curse, both Elijah and Klaus knew that this want the case with Helena. Helena had died of heartbreak, of grief.

"This is the only place they can be. Keep searching."

"They are not here Niklaus, we're wasting time."

"Their harvest was here, their reaping was here! They are about to perform a ritual that will feed their ancestors for century's, ancestors that are buried here!" Klaus turned around as he made that statement, and paused, stared at something before saying, "This statue, we've passed it thrice all whist walking in the same direction."

One could see the wheels turning in Elijah's head, as realisation finally dawned upon him. He breathed deeply, before saying "They've fabricated some kind of illusion."

Klaus jumped atop one of the tombs, fury obvious on his face. "That's one word for it." He said, as he saw an endless maze of tombs, with no apparent way out.


Hours later, Klaus was still making the same observations, "It's ingenious, I can see them. I can feel them. Yet they are not real."

"There has to be a way, even if we could just push through –"

"All we need to do is focus." Klaus said calmly.

"My only focus right now is that child, and her safety. Do you understand me? This, all of this, this is the world that you created Niklaus –"

"Brother –"

"All of your scheming, the enemies that you have made every day of your miserable life. What results did you expect, that your child be born in to a happy life? That the mother would be alive to know her daughter? That we could live and thrive as some sort of family?" Elijah ranted, as Klaus listened, not feeling anger but sadness, that it wasn't possible.

"That was your fantasy, not mine"

"No, Brother! This was our hope. This was our families hope. And now we are going to lose her."

"I let her in Elijah. I don't let people in, but now is not the time for grief. We have to save Hope."

As the two brothers ran yet again into another tomb, Klaus stated, we've passed through here twice already."

"We're running out of time!" Elijah screamed as he kicked something in the tomb.

"Then we move faster."

"Or smarter." A new voice added. It was one they recognised. Both of them turned simultaneously, not daring to look at who had said that. Klaus raised his eyes from the ground and saw her. It was Helena.

"Helena." Klaus whispered. He walked toward her, whispering her name again, and took her face in his hands and asking "How are you here?"

"I'm Helena Potter, I'm a survivor." She sighed, "I woke up in the church and felt this hunger, and I knew what I needed. So I fed. I drank a few drops of blood that had been spilt on the floor, I couldn't bring myself to drink from a human." Seeing the look of surprise on Klaus' face she added, "I died with her blood in my system. I drank blood and completed my transition, now I'm a vampire. And now, we are gonna find my daughter."

"We have been walking this maze for hours, Hela."

"I can feel her. My baby."

Helena walked out, then Klaus and Elijah was last. Elijah had never seen his brother act in such a way, but understood that Klaus was changing.

She ran fast, the connection she had with her daughter would not last long, she needed to get there fast.

As they reached, they saw Genevieve, about to put a knife through the child, "NO!" Helena screamed out. They would not rip her child from this world.

Klaus grabbed the first thing he saw and through it at the witches. The flowerpot hit Genevieve right in the face and she dropped the knife. Helena sped over and grabbed it. She held the knife to Genevieve's throat and told Monique and Linda to move, lest she wanted her to kill Genevieve. They stayed right where they were, unknown to Helena this was exactly what they had been waiting for. They wanted Genevieve to die so that they could get their friend, Cassie back. Without giving them another chance to comply, Helena slit her throat, while Klaus and Elijah stared in shock.

Seeing their shock, Helena said, "She deserved it."

"I quite agree." Monique said.


"Why do you think we didn't move? We wanted her dead. She was cruel enough to sacrifice a child, so that she could live. We couldn't stop her. She was too powerful. So we prayed that she would not go through with it. And thanks to you she didn't."


"You know we have to give her away right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Helena, she won't be safe. Not as long as my Mother has control over the witches."


Helena and Klaus stood in Hope's room watching her sleep. They smiled at the amount of peace on their child's face.

"We'll do it tomorrow." Helena said, tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to keep her sobs silent.



The next morning, as Klaus and Helena entered Hope's room, what they saw shocked them, in the cradle where Hope was supposed to be, was a burnt corpse. Someone had killed Hope. Someone from the wizarding world. As only a wand wielder could burn a person without creating any smoke.

Both of them processed this scene without any noise, without any tears, but the looks on their faces promised vengeance.  

A/N: Hey guys, I know its been a long time, and I'm not gonna give any excuses and I'm sorry. 

I'm also sad to say that this is the end of Where I Stood.  But don't worry, there is going to a a sequel which will be titled Good And Evil.  It will take place after seventeen years, from present. the first chapter will be up in a week or two. If you wanna find it you can at my page 'Lexzandriya' 

I haven't really asked for comments, but at the end can you please tell me how you like it. 

Thank you for sticking with me. 


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