Grumpy Kookie Needs Some Milk (Or Coffee... Or Taehyung... Or Both)

Start from the beginning

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president: pls tell me you guys saw that

secretary: you mean taekook planning their first date? yes, yes i did

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: they're just going for coffee

mr. vice: that's what i thought, but look at us now

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: touche  

treasurer: Not to get anyone's hopes up, but the kids are actually very cute together.

secretary: namjoon, my precious beanstalk, what did you see?

treasurer: I went to buy some coffee, and while I was waiting, I saw Taehyung and Jungkook sitting at a table by the window. 

mr. vice: were they making out?

secretary: jimin, wtf

president: lmao jungkook would never

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: baby, they're not us

 mr. vice: oops. sorry, you're right

treasurer: Wait, what?

secretary: don't mind them, Joonie. continue the story

treasurer: I mean, there's not really anything else to mention, other than how gone Jungkook looked when Taehyung was talking.

president: gone as in 'you're so fucking boring. tell me when you're done talking' or 'you could be plotting how to murder your whole family, and i would still be happy to hear every single gory detail' ?

treasurer: i'm almost afraid to say the second one

mr. vice: awww that's so cute

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: did you hear what they were talking about?

treasurer: You, too, yoongi hyung?

 unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: what? since we're already in the club, we might as well go all out as taekook enthusiasts

president: ok jimin, you can give yoongi hyung his phone back 

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: fuck you

mr. vice: you're supposed to be fucking me :( 

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: i know babe. you know i'd never touch anyone else but you

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: besides, i don't want contract an std from that thing

president: you're such an ass

president: and fyi, i get tested every 3 months like the responsible adult that i am, so HA

unenthusiastic taekook enthusiast: (¬、¬)  

treasurer: Hey, when was the last time Jungkook let anyone touch him?

secretary: yesterday

treasurer: I meant willingly.

president: it's been like an eon 

mr. vice: the brat usually fights back if we ever try to hug him or some shit like that ƪ(u︿u)ʃ

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