Don't bruise my tomato

Start from the beginning

I could feel Law's smirk. "And how do you plan to do that?"

I growled. I didn't have the physical strength or any battle prowess to fight him. But I figured Law wouldn't mind helping me kill someone involved in the genocide of Flevance. "Maybe I'll find all the 'gifts' he gave Mum and make him eat them?" I wondered out loud. "And then break all his fingers and his toes and drop him in a hole."

"Sounds like you've thought about it before."

"Usually it involves a cheese grater." I agreed solemnly.


"Why not?" I growled, hands clenched on the table. My gloves sat next to me, stark black against the light stained, cheap oak table.

The restaurant was packed, every person filling the space with inane babbling. No matter what we said, it would just be swallowed in the sea of voices.

Captain sat cross legged on the bench, leaned against the window. He only had two modes: take up as much space and look as annoyingly relaxed as possible, or curl up into a defensive position. There was no in between.

Bepo filled up the rest of the bench, munching happily on a stack of pancakes. It looked like he was completely focused on his food, but I could feel that his attention was turned outward, listening to our crowded diner.

"Are we not going to do anything?"

Law's eyes slid from the window to me. "I didn't say that. I said we can't just run in and kidnap a marine captian."

I exhaled sharply, scowling as I stabbed my waffle. "Well, I hear you can teleport shit. Why can't you just grab him and get out?" As I spoke, I realized that I hadn't seen him use his devil fruit once. Not that we had really run into any trouble, but most evil fruit users tended to use their powers indiscriminately.

"I prefer to conserve energy." he replied smoothly. "We'll get to him, Andromeda-ya. Just be patient."

"I don't want to be patient..." I grumbled, scowling at Law's amused expression. "What?"

He didn't answer me right away, just watched me. I couldn't put my finger on exactly how his aura felt, or the thoughts going through his head. The closest comparison I could make was a large field of smouldering coals, creating an eerie, ambient amber glow against smoke filled air. The slightest push could send everything up in fire.

"You'll live." He looked back out the window, sinking into the grey.

I glanced at Bepo, but he was distracted. His ear twitched. He didn't look up from his empty plate. "Captain."


"I don't think there are any female bears here."

Law's lips pulled into a grin. "I don't think so, either. Maybe at the next island."

Bepo nodded solemnly.


I jumped, blinking towards the person shouting my name. The rest of the restaurant stared as well. The short, barrel chested ex-marine staggered towards us, slamming his hands on the table to stop himself from toppling over. His cute round face was red with alcohol, curly brown hair sticking out at all angles. "Channing?"

I could feel disapproval radiating from Law. And... Protectiveness? No, probably just possessive. Bepo was just confused.

Channing grinned at me. "You quit, huh? Kelly's pissed! Man, you shoulda seen her. Bet her face was so red!"

I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah. I'm sure. Channing, what are you doing here? And why are you drinking?" He'd been sober for two years. I tried to keep my eyes on his face, but inevitably they traveled to his arms. There were no new wounds, but my heart still hurt to see the white lines criss-crossing both arms from wrist to shoulder, marring otherwise beautiful black tattoos signifying his love for his fallen marine brothers.

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