Well, hi.



I thought we already said hi?


We did. I was just trying to be funny.

Well it's not working. Try something else.


My mum walked in.

"Who are you texting?" she asked.

"Sherlock," I replied.

"Oh. Met a new boy did ya?" she asked.


"Is he in one of your classes?"

"No. He lives in London."

"What? London? How'd ya meet him?"

"He's the detective."

"The detective?"

I turned on the news and there he was. Sherlock Holmes.

"That's him," I pointed out Sherlock.

"Oh. He's handsome," she replied.

"Wait. How old is he?"

"Seventeen," I replied.

"Then how come he's the detective?"

"He's a genius. He's already out of school. He's going to University when everyone else his age does. He's just doing some detective work here and there."

"That's really cool. Smart and handsome. I think you should go for him instead of that James boy."

"Who said I'm going for any of them?" Right as I asked that, my phone buzzed.

"Who is it?" asked mum.


Hello? I said you should try again. At being funny, I mean.


"What he say?" said mum as she leaned over my shoulder to see what he had said.

"He seems lame," said me mum. She then left my room.

I'm sorry. My mum was in here.

Oh. So you use that as an excuse to not being funny?


Haha. She was talking to me.

About me? I presume.



Oh. The denial is killing me.


Ok. We were.

Yes I know. You pointed me out on the tv because your mum was asking who I was.


How do you know that?

Look out your window.


I got up off my bed, leaving my phone behind. I walked out onto my balcony and there stood Sherlock at the bottom of my big oak tree.

"What are you doing here? And how did you know where I lived?" I asked.

"I needed to see you. And I researched you," he said with a big grin on his face.

"Come on up then," I said. He started climbing the tree and then he climbed onto my balcony. I led him inside and motioned for him to sit. He just stood there. I sat on my bed.

"One thing," I said.

He got out of the sort of daze he was in.


"How did you know we were talking about you, if you were on the ground?" I asked.

"Your window was sort of cracked and I could hear you two talking about me," he said with a grin on his face.

"Please sit," I said motioning to the chair in my room.

He did as I said.

"Nice place you've got here," he said.

"Thanks. But why did you come all the way to Dublin?" I asked.

"Because I needed to speak with you," he replied.

"Couldn't you have just done that over the phone?"

"No. This is very important. You need to listen to me. I think James is the killer."

"That's crazy! He would never-"

"How long have you known him?" he interrupted me.

"Three days."

"Exactly. Three days. Have you ever noticed anything unusual about him?"

"No not really."

"This is important. Think."

"Well all the other kids are scared of him for some reason. He sits alone at lunch."

"That's no help."

"Wait. There is one thing. The day before Carl Powers died, James gave him a small piece of paper that said

I O U."

"Oh! Of course! Of course he did!

I O U to James meant he was going to kill someone! Hallie. You need to stay away from him."

"And why should I trust you. I just met you."

"And you just met James as well. Please trust me. You should trust me because I care about people's safety."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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