"can I play?" Loki ask walking over. Tony looked at him, clearly not happy he was there, but pushed him a toy with his foot anyway.

"Tony!" Bruce shouted. Tony looked up. "Tony why is there a little ship in the fridge?" Bruce ask. Tony grinned getting up and running to the kitchen.

"I forgot I put that there. it was for Steve. get it? cause it's a space ship in the fridge! I couldn't reach the freezer." Tony said. Bruce almost smiled at the answer but shook his head and rolled his eye's.

"no more toys in the kitchen." Bruce said. Tony shrugged.

"okay." Tony replied and headed back to the living room to play. he paused seeing Thor, Clint, and Natasha playing with Loki. Thor and Clint hadn't wanted to play with him. he looked down at the floor, then turned to head to the elevator, planning to bring Steve his ship. he road all the way up to his and Phils bedroom and stepped out. both were asleep on the bed, neither bothering to cover up with the blankets. Tony ran over to the bed and climbed up, climbing over Phil. Phil muttered rubbing his eye's.

"Tony? why are you up here?" Phil ask. Tony waived at him.

"I made Steve a ship!" Tony replied, crawling over to Steve. Phil raised an eye brow as Tony poked the sleeping Captain in the face, causing him to stir.

"Phil why are you poking me?" Steve ask.

"I'm not. it's Tony." Phil replied. Steve muttered something opening his eye's.

"Tony, why are you poking me?" Steve ask. Tony offered him the ship.

"here. I made you a ship, so you wouldn't feel so bad that you lost our game of hide and seek earlier." Tony replied. Steve raised an eye brow and took the ship.

"uh, thanks." Steve replied. Tony nodded climbing off the bed and heading for the elevator. Phil smiled at Steve.

"he still doesn't realize you didn't know you were playing hide and seek with him." Phil chuckled.

"I'm not sure if I should break that bubble or let him be at this point." Steve replied. Phil laughed. Tony stepped out of the elevator. those traitors were still playing with Loki, so he went back to Bruce.

"Bruce I'm tired." Tony said, tugging on his shirt.

"go lay on the couch, I'm cooking." Bruce replied. Tony didn't really want to go in the living room.

"but what if I have another bad dream?" Tony ask, hugging his leg. Bruce sighed softly and picked him up.

"alright fine. Jarvis call Steve down here to finish making dinner." Bruce said.

"right away Dr.Banner." Jarvis replied. Bruce waited until Steve and Phil came down before heading to the living room to lay with Tony. Bruce laid his glasses on the table and laid back with Tony. Tony curled up on his chest, watching Loki. he wasn't really all that tired. he just wanted Bruce in a spot that he knew Loki couldn't steal him from. Bruce held onto Tony, closing his eye's. if he was going to lay with Tony, he was going to nap with Tony. Tony yawned and curled up.

"hey! wanna come play?" Loki ask walking over.

"Tony's tired." Bruce replied.

"no him. you." Loki said. bitterly, Bruce thought about Loki calling him a monster.

"no. I'm tired too." Bruce replied. Loki huffed and walked off. Tony snores softly. Bruce watched over him for a few minutes, before falling asleep.

*about an hour later*

"Bruce, hey Bruce wake up." a voice said, shaking him. Bruce yawned softly, opening his eye's.

"Natasha?" Bruce ask sitting up.

"you're all wet and you smell gross. my guess is Tony had a nightmare. go shower." Natasha said. Bruce seemed to realize that he was indeed soaked and he smelt like urine.

"where is Tony?" Bruce ask.

"I don't know." Natasha replied. Bruce got up and headed to shower. he needed to get a shower before he found Tony. he went upstairs and showered quickly.

"Jarvis, locate Tony." Bruce said pulling on a pair of pants.

"I am unable to locate Sir." Jarvis replied.

"retrace his steps." Bruce said.

"he showered, went to the living room, and dissapeared." Jarvis replied. Bruce nodded, knowing that meant Tony was hiding in the vent again.

"thanks Jarvis." Bruce said, heading down. Tony had made it to where Jarvis couldn't register the hidden room. Bruce walked over to the vent and knelt down. he knocked on the door. "Tony." Bruce said softly. "come on out." Bruce murmured. when nothing happened, Bruce opened the door. Tony was curled up, face in his knee's. his hair was wet and his clothes were new, at least he'd cleaned himself up. "Tony?" Bruce ask softly.

"I'm sorry." Tony whimpered quietly.

"it's fine. things happen. it was just an accident Tony. come on out." Bruce said reaching down to pick Tony up.

"Bruce I'm sorry." Tony said again. Bruce kissed his head and hugged him tightly.

"I know. it's alright." Bruce assured him. "nightmares happen, sometimes they get bad." Bruce explained. Tony clung to Bruce, rubbing his eye's. Bruce didn't need to be a genius to know Tony had been crying. Bruce nuzzled his head and squeezed him gently. Tony held onto him sniffling. "stop playing with my chest hair Tony." Bruce said. Tony giggled softly and Bruce smiled, holding him tighter. he took Tony upstairs and laid in bed with him. "hey, next time you have a nightmare or something, just wake me up." Bruce said.

"okay. I'm sorry." Tony said. Bruce nodded and nuzzled him.

"I know." Bruce replied. they curled up and went to sleep.

*next morning*

Bruce carried Tony into the kitchen.

"hey, you found him. was he alright?" Natasha ask. Bruce nodded quietly.

"yeah, he didn't sleep half the night. everytime he tried he'd wake up from a nightmare." Bruce said. Tony held tightly to him snoring softly. Bruce squeezed him gently and Tony cuddled closer. Natasha nodded.

"okay. well, as long as he's sleeping now, he should be alright, right?" Natasha ask. Bruce nodded, heading to sit down. maybe since Tony was asleep, he could actually eat.

"where's Loki?" Phil ask when Thor came in.

"he's asleep." Thor replied. Tony shifted at his voice, whining.

"and so is Tony. keep your voice down." Bruce said.

"I apologize." Thor replied, lowering his voice slightly. Bruce carefully lowered himself into the chair. Phil watched him, ready to step in if he needed help.

"hey what happened to the ship Tony gave you?" Bruce ask, looking at Steve as he took a bite of his food. Steve looked up from his food.

"its in mine and Phils room, on the desk." Steve replied.

"did he tell you why he gave it to you?" Bruce ask with a small smile. Steve nodded.

"yeah he said he didn't want me to feel bad that I lost our game of hide and seek. I'm not sure if I should actually tell him I didn't know we were playing or not." Steve replied.

"yeah, just leave that one be." Bruce said. Phil streched and got up.

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