Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*claudia's pov*

Today was friday, thank god. After school, I was going over to Hayes' house to hang out like we do everyday. Summer is coming really soon and I can't wait to go to the beach everyday, and hang out with Hayes more. In the mornings Hayes always walks to my house and then we walk to school. Today I decided to wear high waisted denim shorts with a burgundy tank top and my white converse. I straightened my hair and left it down, then applied light makeup. I wasn't really that hungry for breakfast and I was running late so I just had a banana. When it finished my banana, I went upstairs to grab my bag and I heard the door open. "Come on Claud were gonna be late" I heard Hayes yell from downstairs. we walk into eachother was houses all the time.

*Hayes' pov*

"Coming" I heard her say from her room. While I waited for her to come down I sat on the couch and got on my phone and looked at my Instagram profile. I looked through a bunch of old pictures from last year and found one of Claudia and I, she was on my back and I was carrying her. We were both smiling and it was honestly a really good picture. The caption was "I hope you had a great day claud😊 so glad I could be apart if it. happy birthday! Love ya" I smiled at the picture. I sat and thought about that day. We didn't do anything big for her birthday, I just went over to her house for a bonfire. It was just our two family's but it was really fun. I miss that day. I love spending time from Claudia. Wait. I can't start having feelings for her. She's my best friend. That would just make things complicated between us. My thoughts we're interrupted by Claudia coming down the steps. "You ready?" she asked me.

"Yeah" I said standing up and locking my phone. She looked really pretty today. Stop it Hayes you can't think like that. Were just really good friends and that's how it's gonna stay. she walked out first and I grabbed her keys on the little table next to the front door. She always forgets her keys. One time after school we had to climb through the window in the back because she forgot her keys and her parents don't get home until 6😂 As I walked out of the house, I dangled her keys in front of her face and said "forgetting something?" I asked smiling.

"No." she said grabbing the keys and smiling at me.

"You're welcome" I said as we started walking down the street.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Do we have any finals today?" she asked.

"Not today. We have a lot tomorrow." I said.

"Okay. When we get home we need to study. And this time we really have to study." she said giving me a look.

"What?" I asked.

"You always distract me when were supposed to study and we never get anything done. Today we really have to get some studying done. Okay?" She said. I'm not going to disagree with her on this one.

"Okay" I said and I kinda half-laughed because she was right.

"Promise?" she said holding out her pinky.

"Promise." I said and we did the pinky promise thingy. Soon we got to school and we were late, like we are a lot haha. Our lockers were close so he just waited for me at my locker and I waited for him at his. Then we both walked into Spanish together and we got in trouble for being late. It was kinda awkward because it was dead silent when we walked in and our teacher started yelling at us. Once we took our seats and she resumed her lecture, I started mocking our teacher when she wasn't looking. Claudia started laughing at me. God her laugh was perfect. Ok well maybe I am starting to like her a little bit. But I know nothing is going to happen between us. Luckily our teacher is pretty much dead so she didn't even know what was going on the whole time.

*Claudia's pov*

Hayes was so funny today in spanish. He kept making me laugh. He sat right next to me which was a good thing since I really like him. I just don't know what to do about our relationship. Anyway, he kept making me laugh so I hit him I'm the gut. "Stop!" I mouthed with my eyes open wide and a smile on my face.

"What? Its not like she can hear us or anything." he said to me.

"What was that?" Our teacher said and looked in our direction with a dirty look on her face.

"Oh nothing I was just asking Claudia a question about what you just said. Carry on" he said. When she started talking again we both just looked at each other and smiled. Soon after that, the bell rang, and we went to the rest of our classes. I didn't have 7th hour with Hayes, which was our last class of the day, so that class was kind of boring. It was Algebra too. Fun. As I was taking notes I felt my phone vibrate. I looked around to make sure no one heard it, and that no one was looking. It was from Hayes. One of these days this kid is gonna get me in big trouble in school I swear. It read "hey I forgot since it's Friday after school we should stop by the redbox and get a movie to watch tonight after were done studying. My mom is doing something with her friends tonight and my dad is on a business trip and I'm sure nash won't care. And your parents are on vacation right? It could just be a claud and hayes night👊" I was really excited. I replied, "yeah sounds good! and thanks a lot my phone went off in class. you're lucky no one heard it grier"

*Hayes' pov*

I looked down at her text and smiled. I was so glad she said yes for tonight. I'm so exited to just hang out with her. Tonight should be fun. I put my phone away and thought about the picture I saw on my Instagram this morning. Ok I really like her. But she would never feel the same way about me. It could never happen. Right?

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