Time To Relax

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— "Finally! We're going! I was eager all week, couldn't wait one more day. I love you all so much. We're going to have so much fun!"

— "Debby, calm down."

— "I'm sorry for you, Jack, if you don't have the same excitement as I. Starting to think you didn't miss me at all. Come and give me a big hug."

— "Guys! Stop flirting! We need help here."

Ashley went towards the van carrying two suitcases in her hands. She felt one of them sliding down her fingers, bent into a fist. With a sudden movement, she tried pulling it upwards, but it fell to the ground, leaving a metallic scratch on one end.

— "Oh god. I'm so sorry. Whose suitcase is this? Dammit guys! I need help!"

— "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Jack hurried to the fallen suitcase, picked it up, and threw it in the car.

— "Arrange it well Jack. This thing is like playing Tetris." Complained Ashley.

After Ashley shoved in the last suitcase, she walked off towards Debby and Jack, who were nearly flirting, again.

— "The first thing I do when I arrive? I'm definitely putting on my new swimsuit and going in the river."

— "Oh Debby! You just want to show the little amount of abs you have to Jack right?" Said Ashley, making Debby blushed, "Meanwhile, do you know where the others are?"

— "Charlie is still inside with Sarah. And we're still waiting for Elliot to arrive. He should be here soon."

— "Talking about the devil." Said Debby, pointing her chin towards a car coming down their street.

A grey Mercedes entered crookedly on the driveway. The loud motor stoped and a man came out of its front door. He stood there, arms wide opened, with a playful smile on his face. His brown short hair made little waves on his forehead. He was wearing a plain grey t-shirt with black pants and sunglasses to add to the style.

— "Well hello there, my friends. How great to see you all again. Is everyone ready for this trip, because I know I am!" Said Elliot excitedly.

Charlie and Sarah came out of the house, locking the door behind them. When they saw Elliot surrounded by the whole group, an eager feeling filled their hearts. Charlie put an arm around Sarah and they joined the group.

— "Jack, Debby, Charlie, Sarah and of course, the wonderful Ashley who planned this whole vacation. Let us begin our splendid trip!"

— "Move your car out of the way though, Elliot." Debby gave him an ironic smile.

— "Yes. I...uh...s-sorry."

When everyone got comfortable in the car, Ashley started the engine, drove out of the driveway and began their vacation.

— "Yeah! This is amazing! We're going to bave so much fun!" Screamed Debby in the van. Everyone began to laugh.

This trip was a great idea, thought Ashley.

Or was it?

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