Part Six

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Buffy’s body tingles as she walks towards 1630 Revello Drive. Her mind is still back in the crypt; back in the presence of this new discovery of hers: A Spike she’d never known – gentle and patient and…so passionate her head is spinning; her blood racing at just the lingering echo of his voice in her ear.

Anyone’d be an idiot not to fall in love with you, hold you close and never let go. I wouldn’t be able to let you go.

She swallows hard as the sensory memory of his kisses and caresses replays itself in across her skin. Luckily her legs are on automatic and, before she knows it, she is standing in front of her own front door.

She stops before putting her key into the lock, to take a moment. She needs two, actually.

One to let the lingering heat from her earlier activities fade from her skin; and another to turn her thoughts to the teenager inside.

Although it is four o’clock in the morning, Buffy is sure that Dawn will be waiting up for her, or at least she’ll be sleeping lightly enough to hear her come in.

She momentarily debates going in the old-fashioned way – through her bedroom window. Shaking her head, she decides against that and unlocks the door; stepping through quietly.

The house is still and she can hear nothing stirring in the darkness. Perhaps Dawn had given up on her after all. She will have to make it up to her in the morning, though she suspects that her hopelessly romantic little sister will be very forgiving.

'Dawn is the probably the only one that will understand…whatever this is that’s happening,' Buffy idly thinks to herself as she heads towards the stairs.

A light comes on in the living room and she turns her head, expecting to see the younger Summers. It is Willow’s face that greets her instead. Buffy frowns before she can catch herself. Willow’s weak smile fades quickly.

“Hey,” the redhead whispers. Buffy backtracks the two steps she’d taken.

“Hey.” She glances up the steps and, noting no movement or sound, takes tentative steps into the living room to join…her friend. Willow pats a spot on the couch next to her and Buffy sits uneasily.

“Late night s-slaying?”

“Something like that.”

“Were there many baddies out-“

“Willow,” Buffy hugs herself, unable to meet the other woman’s eyes. “I'm tired.”

“I…I know. I just-“

“Look, can we…I mean…I can’t do this right now.”

“Buffy, please.” Willow sighs exasperated as her friend retreats even further into herself right before her eyes. “I just wanted to…I need to say I'm sorry. I…I didn’t know. Honest! I didn’t.”

“Please keep your voice down.” Buffy glances up the steps. Still no movement. She almost wishes Dawn would wake up and interrupt them. She knows that Willow will not drop this until she’s had her say.

“Sorry…sorry.” Willow shifts uncomfortably. A heavy silence lands between them. “I seem to be saying that a lot lately. Sorry.” She half-laughs.

“Yeah, well…” Buffy shrugs.

“I know. I have every reason to be. I just wish…” Willow’s voice trails off.

“You wish what?”

“You mean aside from the obvious?” She smiles apologetically. Buffy lets out a light laugh and nods. “I wish that things could have gone differently, but given the chance, I would have done it again.”

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