How I Almost Died..... (Part 1)

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An adjective that means that something that is mysterious and difficult to interpret or understand.

Earlier this year someone asked me how I would describe my life. Were my situation any different I would have said Enigmatic. But for the sake of appearances I said boring.

Oh? I haven't introduced myself yet have I. My name is Adaline Liddell, and my home was an orphanage in Boston. Yes, I'm an orphan, it's always been that way, so save your pity for someone who actually cares.

Now, the story I'm about to tell you happened three weeks ago, on a normal Boston Saturday, at least, for everyone else. This story is about how my everyday life ended, and how I came to live in completely upside down version of reality.






A soft noise snapped my out of my trance.

A hundred questions began to flood my mind.

'Why are hot dogs called hot dogs if they are not made from dogs?'

Okay.... It was more like one completely irrelevant and weird one.

I blinked, unable to recognize my surroundings until I saw the wall. I immediately recognised the place as Castle Island, yet I had no clue how I had gotten there. I didn't question it though, any answer I got would only lead to more questions.

As my mind unfogged itself, I took the time to assess my situation. I was sitting on a stone bench that I had come to call 'pigeon rock' due to the excess amount of pigeons that liked to hang around it. I then examined what I was wearing, blue jeans, black converse, a black and white t-shirt, and a faded hoodie that had once been a bright sapphire color. Basically my usual outfit. I don't remember getting dressed, I don't even remember when I woke up. Huh. Curiouser and curiouser.

I lifted a pale hand to push my raven hair out of my face but froze when I heard a low growl coming from below me. I looked down and came face to face with a sudden, horrible realization.

"I didn't eat, did I?"

Yes it was a horrible predicament I was in. Me, a fifteen year old orphan, left without a single crumb in her stomach. Truly a tragedy.

As my mind spouted overdramatic nonsense about my hunger, a small, bell like laugh came from my right, causing me to groan and turn my head to the small 'girl' who had emitted the laughter.

"What do you want now Dinah?" I spat out glaring at the giggling 'child'.

The small 'girl' looked around the age of 7. She had long blond hair that cascaded down to her waist adorned with a red ribbon, and fair skin that would surely be the envy of others later in life. She wore a black and white striped dress that was tied by a red bow. Her legs swung back and forth with white mary janes and red socks covering the lower half of her legs. Over all she looked like a normal grade schooler. Except for her eyes.

Her eyes were pure yellow, pupil, iris and all. They looked like they were made of opaque glass, shining without a single blemish. They were a sickly yellow-green, like the color of a peridot. She had no pupils but I could tell that she was staring at me in a way that could look into a person's soul.

"Oh Adaline dearest," she spoke in a sickly sweet voice, that had a tone behind it that shouldn't have belonged in the body of a child. She closed her unnerving eyes and sighed, "Why do you always assume I want something, why can I just visit my favorite human." I narrowed my eyes at her words, the way she said human sounded like she was talking about an amusing animal. I am most definitely not amusing.

"Oh shut it you little daemon." I snarled. "We both know you don't come to me unless you want something."

She pouted then smirked and rested her head on her hands, "Ah, my dear Adaline~ You know me so well~"

I raised a brow at her, "Well I'm not doing it. You still owe me for last time remember?"

She opened her eyes halfway, "Don't think I forgot. I always remember unfinished deals. It's just that something's about to happen and there's something I want you to grab for me. No danger, no funny business. Honestly it's like i'm giving you a free favor."

I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously, "If it's so easy then why do I have to do it. Why don't you ask that Red Tulip or whatever her name was to do it."

She sighed and stood up, her feet just hovering over the ground, "The Rose is experiencing a midlife crisis at the moment. As for why I chose you..." She turned to face me, a small grin on her face. "It's because you were most convenient."

You stuck-up little-

I groaned, I couldn't find any reason to not do what she wanted, except for the fact that she wanted it, but I could probably use another favor for later, and if I didn't voluntarily choose to help she would probably find way to blackmail me into it anyway.

"Fine, I'll do it." I said in a monotone voice.

Her lips widened a stupid grin, "Splendid, your cooperation is most appreciated."

"Now," I connected our gazes as I glared at her. "What is it I need to do."

Her expression turned serious, "Well you see, I-

A sudden loud crash interrupted her sentence, I whipped around to see a plume of smoke coming from the castles courtyard, and I could feel myself paling.

"Hmm," I could practically hear the from in Dinah's voice coming from behind me. ""Well I guess we'll have to cut this short."

I heard her hop off the bench as my eyes remained glued to the smoke.

"It seems your welcoming committee has arrived."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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