one after another.

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The next day Marya is in my bed I get a feeling. A feeling that I can't describe vary well but I can tell that I craved the taste of her and I got an idea I pull her close to me wich wakes her up but I don't notice.

I French kiss her and start to make out with her and I notice she is awake web she moans in my kiss.

She wrappes her arms around my neck and moans more and more as we make out fore longer and longer. finally we stop to catch our breath.

We look deep in each others eyes and she says to me in a soft tone" daddy. I loved that".

I whisper in her ear " well I'm going to do it again". She moans and then we kiss more.

Eventually we go down stairs and cook breakfast. We eat and then I tell her that I am going to her mothers house and if she wanted to come with me.

She says yes as she grabbed our jackets and we walk out the door with our hands clenched together.

Wen we get there I knock on the door and her mom answers the door she greats me with a smile and says " oh come in. So how are you guys doing".

I say " we are good, and you".
She says good and then she tells us to go look at the room.

I bring her and me through the hall way and there is a note that says" for Gordon".

I sit down next to her on the bed and began to read it out loud." kid that took some serious balls to do and if you are wondering, I'm not mad I'm actually quite impressed with how you stood up for my daughter. So I am glad to say welcome to the family kid".

Me and Marya are shocked and don't know what to do. I grab her hand and I start to cry.

"babe are you ok" she asks me.
" yeah it's just that I'm surprised that your father dose not want to kill me.
And he is letting me love you".

"I am to so why don't we celabrate".
She says as she climbs up my torso and kisses me and I put my hands on her hips and kiss her back.

She lays me back onto her bed and she takes off my shirt. " do you like that babe ". She says as I bring her hips closer to me and she moans " I do my beautiful baby".

The next hour or so passes by and there is no contact with the out side world. She tells me " maybe we should go thank my dad for the note".

I nod and we put on our clothes and go to the living room and her father is siting on the couch watching TV.

I go over to him and say " thank you for your support sir". He stands up to me and hugs me. I frezz. I can't feel my body and I feel like I have a family once more.

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