-=+Part 1+=-

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When you were a kid. You would always read a book and it will usually start of with something like "Once upon a time". What if there was a book that started of with "Once upon a Kill". To share kids the truth about fairy tales. Let me share to you what happened when a kid read this book.

Tiffany was this cute little 5 year old, who loves to read books. She would read all types of books. Fairy tales, nonfiction. You know what I mean. Tiffany would always go to her local library in RiverGate and read all the kids books.

One day, there was a new book placed on the shelf. Tiffany of course, had to read it. So she picked up the book, scanned the book, and took it home.

'Hey Tiffany! How was-' Her mother tried to make conversation with her daughter, but before she could finish Tiffany was already in her room.

Tiffany dropped her Dora the Explorer backpack on the floor and jumped on her bed. While she was laying on her bed, she remembered that she had a book in her bag. Tiffany stretched off the bed and reached for her bag. She pulled her bag towards her and grabbed the book out of her bag.

She layed back on her bed while look at the book. She read the book title out loud.

'The truth about Cinderella'

Tiffany opened the book and read out the first sentence.

'Once upon a Kill...' Tiffany said it out loud sounding confused.

There was a legend that if you ever see a sentence in a children's book saying "Once upon a Kill" you should NEVER read it out loud.

Suddenly, the page started glowing. It was glowing so much that it glowed up her entire room. Then the book started sucking her in. Tiffany started screaming for her mother.

Her mother heard Tiffany's scream so she dropped everything and ran to her room. But she was too late. Tiffany was sucked into the book and all her mother saw was a book on her bed that was opened.

Tiffany has been ever since she opened that book. Her mother has been looking for her for years. But there was no sign of her. Police departments have tried looking for Tiffany, also known as the "Lost Kid" but they couldn't find her. So they decided to give up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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