Incest Stories vs. Men Who Probably Didn't Know What Incest Really Was | Part 5

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If you're slightly up to date like me, you'll know that there's a lot spinning around about incest on this website. Many people romanticise it and it is just disgusting. And Wattpad has no rules against it, which is the reason why JAYHOPEFUL has made a petition for incest being romanticised against Wattpad's Community Guidelines.

Now onto actually why I made this. It's nearly 1am here in my country and because I'm not normal I'm sat in bed thinking about the song Music For a While by Henry Purcell which is old (literally since it's before Mozart and I think the Wedding Cantata - not sure I'm not good with wider listening) but gold (HARPSICHORD ROX). So then I started thinking about the context and I laughed so hard on the inside.

Even the Ancient Greeks knew what was up.

If you aren't studying GCSE Music under Edexcel you won't know what any of "Music For a While" means.

However, I do. I'll give you a run down.

It comes from the play Oedipus which was an Ancient Greek play. In Oedipus, Oedipus has great amounts of power and accidentally kills his father who just happens to be the king. He also doesn't remember doing it. Not sure why but let's pretend I can make sense of the play. This is where "Music For a While" comes in. Some guys (I think Oedipus' brother) go to someone named Alecto (Medusa's Sister) who is basically omniscient and they try to find out who killed the king. But first they have to calm her down. And then a load of shot happens and Oedipus dies at the end (shock horror, she says sarcastically).

But murdering his father isn't the only thing he forgot. No, he apparently forgot what his mother looked like because he married her.

But later in the play, as punishment for incest and something else I can't remember, he gauges his eyes out (never said it gonna be pretty here).

So please incest sympathisers, if the Ancient Greeks knew that incest was wrong, so should you. Suck it up and stop sympathising with incest.

Alice Angel | MeWhere stories live. Discover now