chapter one

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At the park, having a short walk, the atmosphere is cold and these are two lovebirds are going to the coffee shop to get a hot chocolate drink. The place is open and people are going and coming. The place is misty and very cold.

Alvin : so how was class today?
Queen : it was ok, but boring Alvin :why
Queen :cause your girlfriend stole the class
Alvin :how? And she's not my girl, its you that I love, others are just nothing
Queen :thank God I got that on record
Alvin :oh! Great! So what did she do Queen : passing down love letters
Alvin : to who?
Queen :Bryan, our new classmate
Alvin : she's out of control, do me a favor
Queen : what
Alvin : please kiss me to wash my pain
Queen : for how many dollars
Alvin : name it, your on it babe
Queen : babe wow! Cool
Alvin : thanks
Queen : my box
Alvin : here you go , you can have my credit card, empty it
Queen : thanks dude.

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