Chapter 2: The White Serval

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I had always wanted to summon a spirit animal. I mean any child would want to summon a spirit animal but my want was much more than anything.

Both of my parents had spirit animals, my mother had a Rhino and my father had a Grey-crowned Crane. I always admired them, Chester helping my mom gain strength to carry an animal that my father had killed.

I always hoped that if I summoned a spirit animal it would be something strong like Chester or something powerful like Cane.

My mother and Father always reminded me to never hope for too much. If I did summon a spirit animal that it is my partner not a pet and it would take time for us to bond properly. They were both greencloaks but left the greenhaven after they got married.

Today was my nameday. I brought a small clay statue in the shape of Uraza the leopard.

I wasn't a great hunter or farmer but I worked well with making vases and statues. I had made the animal statue as in hope, Uraza's spirit would help me summon a spirit animal.

The village was chanting the long forgotten tongue of nilo. Mozi stood at the end of the path, she was old with withered dark skin like a raisin. She held a flask on her hands, the nectar.

As I approached the chanting grew louder and louder like thousand voices that sung like one. I place my gift upon the pedestal and turned to Mozi.

She stared at me with her brown eyes. Her spirit animal was in dormant state, hidden beneath the fabric of her sleeve. Mozi handed me the nectar and stepped back to join the village in the spirit song. This was it, my chance to summon a spirit animal.

I took sip and felt this warmth bathe over me like a jar of warm water was being poured on me from above. The nectar was sweet like dragon fruit soup.

A light appeared before me and the chanting began to quiet down. An animal slowly walked out. A white Serval. It stretched, yawning widely to reveal its sharp teeth.

The serval rubbed its head on my leg and I smiled at it "Hello," I spoke softly.

A man approached me with ease "I have been sent from the greenhaven to fetch the child that will summon the white Serval. Congratulations, Dazzi you have been chosen for a great fate."

The Four Legends (Spirit Animals)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin