Ubme 6

23 2 0

Travis was unusually quiet on the way to the shopping center as I cracked open a beer and handed it to him thinking about who I should give the necklace to. Maybe Rose. She's nice and has one major crush on me and I guess she's hot but in a different way to the slut's what try and bang me all the time. I shudder to think what would happen if Rose turned into one of them. She's the only break I have from all the money leeching suckers what want my money, she don't even care that I'm rich or on the football team or am the most popular boy in the school with a 'player' rep. Well I guess I am a bit of a player if you think about it to be honest. "We are almost here" the driver informed us as I took a swig of beer letting it slide down my throat and making me sigh. This is the day's I like. With my bro and beer without any leeches or Emily tagging along. "Where do you want to go first Trav?" I asked with a cocky grin knowing where he would say before he say's it. "Well I was thinking hot topic like usual then maybe to the arcade so I can whoop you at air hockey as usual" Travis reply with a wink at the end. I swear that boy wants to loose. "Bring it on bro" I said back with a smirk getting out the car as it stops. Time to do this.

The short walk to the center's door was chilly and annoying. I spotted Mrs. Mathers across the carpark loading her groceries and waved as she frantically tried to get my attention. I still can't believe married older women like me! It's so....wrong. I glanced at Travis walking heavy in thought and sighed grabbing his shoulder and pulling him to a hult. "Ok spill what's bothering you?" I demanded making sure to give him the 'I will be pissed off if you dont tell me' look what made him cave. "Fine! Do you think Emily will like the necklace?". Oh for god sake! Emily this Emily that! It's bad enough that he chickens out of asking her out all the time but this is rediculas!. I swear if she wasn't so awesome and friendly I would offically hate her right now. I sighed annoyed and tugged a hand through my messy hair and said "Yes she will love it because I am pretty sure she loves you so what ever you get her will be amazing in her eyes even if you did spend a small fortune off my bank account on this one". Like electric flashed over him face a bright grin appeared on his face as he carried on to walk on ahead of me. Dumb boy how can he not see how much that girl love's him?. He should of asked her out ages ago for god sakes! It's killing me!. 

A rush of cool air blasted us as we walked through the electric double doors and we was greated by a shrieks from  teenage girls probably in the year bellow as they jumped up and down before rushing towards us. Well more me than Travis because I am the eldest and all the press know that Trav's holding back for the mystery girl he's pineing for. "Oh my god! Brandon!!!! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Your totally Brandon Bather's!" a girl with her blond hair pulled back into a bun at the back of her head and crystal blue eyes dancing with excitement. I nod my head looking down at her with the smile what I use on girl fans from my school what makes them melt like butter. "Oh my god! Can I have a picture with you!?!" she says back practically jumping up and down infront of me. I look around nervously. Damn but if they knew I was out....oh well I bet the press already have about us being in the jewlery shop earlier anyways so might as well. "Sure" I said in a husky voice making all the girls swoon as the blond chick with blue eyes cuddled into my chest as I half hugged her back and smiled at the camera. The light flashed and temporeroly blinded me as I blinked rapidly trying to get the little colourful dot out of my vision and that's when I saw it, Rose Smith with a guy holding hands and laughing together. 

I felt the world crush around me. She didn't tell me she had a boyfriend. What the hell? so much for being mates. I let the blond girl and her friends take all the photo's they want smiling as my eyes forcused on Rose and the guy with her seeing if they kiss. All the girl's said their goodbyes giving me a hug or kiss on the cheek and went off in a pit of giggles. Typical girls. "What's got yur knickers in a knot?" Travis asked as he stod next to me texting probably Emily. "Rose has a boyrfriend" I stated making my way to hot topic a few shops away from us straight ahead. "So? You do know she has had one for like a year now" Travis said smugly keeping up with me and texting quickly as well. Stupid boy trying to look cool. "Oh...why didn't you tell me!?!" I said annoyed at Travis for not telling me this important information. "Well the whole school knows so I guess you was too blinded by a chick or something" came Travis's witty reply. 

We reached hot topic in no time and soon was looking through the large racks with black skinny's on. I should probably get some since my last pair are with this chick a few towns away whats proper phyco so I don't want to go back there to get them. I picked up a plain pair then a pair of skinny's with zombie brain eatters patteren bellow one of the pockets. Score. I looked around the shop for Travis to see him flirting with Mary at the checkouts. Great well that's going to take forever. I sighed once again and moved onto the braclets seeing the regular checkered ones then some leather ones with studs and some plain leather. Hell why not it's hardly like I have to worry about money!. I picked up some plain leather ones along with one leather one with small studs along the outside and the same pattern from my jeans on it as well matching it perfectly. Awesome. But all these bracletts will probably be gone in a few weeks with me always leaving them at chicks houses or giving them to Rose or Travis and once I gave Marcy one what made the most perfect smile spread across her face. I smiled to myself when the mental image of Marcy smiling and about to jump with joy just over a braclett and made my way to the checkouts noticing they had finally finnished flirting. Thank god!. 

"Oh hey Brandy, you ok hun you look a bit clowded over..." Mary said as I put all my stuff on the counter and started to space out. I shook myself back to reality and nodded saying "Yeh sorry just zoning out like usual, you should know that I do that all the time by now May" making Mary grin at her nickname. Simple things for simple people. "That all you want today?" Mary asked as her eyes drifted to Travis. Phlease. "Yeh that's it" I said in a huff as usual from not getting her attention what was souly fixed on my brother. "£75.50" Mary said reading off the tile after she typed it all in. I nodded and dug out my wallet and slid my credit card in the card machine, typed in my pin and payed for the stuff. Mary smiled and said her bye's, well actually she did the whole see you hug for me and a peck on the lips for Travis, and we left the shop Travis over the moon and me still wondering about Rose. 

"So what's the name of the person Rose is going out with?" I asked sounding uninterested in the topic and like I was just making conversation. "Jason Lee" Travis said back with a sudder. Uh oh that's a bad sign. "What's up with Jason then? you did the whole sudder thing..." I said hanging for his word's desperate to know as much as I can so maybe I can actually stand a chance. "Well I heard that before he was going out with Rose he was at this party when a drunk girl danced with him and he didn't know she was drunk and then things got a bit heated and well let's just say that Jason is not a gentleman when he took her up to a bedroom to get cozy and she denied him. He is on the sexoffenders list I think...." Travis said trailing off trying to remember if he was or not. What the hell! Why would Rose be going out with a person what took advantage of a drunk chick!?!. That's so wrong in so many levels!. I growled in frustration and my mind automaticly thought of the arcade to let off some steam. "Race ya to the arcade" I shouted taking off on a light run making sure to keep a few feet before him as usual.

"Damn it! How can you always beat me!" Travis complained breathless as I slumped against the pool table. The flashing different coloured lights radiated the large room making it seem more like your at a fair or a carnival or something like that and made my head start to spin. I just shrugged Travis's complaints off and slaughntered over to the air hockey and dug in my pocket once again to retreive my wallet before taking out a few 50p's and put one in for the first game. "Best of three!" I shouted to Travis and started the air hockey torniment. 

so what do ya think? show your support by comment, vote and fanning :D thanks!                           from annie xxxxx

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