Chapter 1: A normal day ? in a normal life ?

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Jessica pov
I woke up and got dressed,took my pills and took care of the cat why is this so simple you ask ? Cause I'm simple and I live alone and yes I'm still in the fantasy world expect it's Undertale. Y'know Reset or Continue , Fight or Mercy all that ? Well I live alone Asriel didn't stay in the underground thank goodness....

And now I'm listening to Nightcore Solider on my phone with my red headphones plugged in and on my head. I thought about writing a new song . Yeah I write songs so ? That's all I do pretty much that and go on Amino . That's an app by the way I like it anyway .... I got nothing....

So I put away my notebook and pull out my tablet and the news app came up on it's own ? Weird but I looked into it anyway and there was nothing .....of freaking course !
Nothing ever happens here so I got outside to get the mail .... Did I mention my neighbors were UL Mettaton, UL Sans and papyrus ? And all three of them live together . And Storyshift Chara and Asriel , and across from me was a stalker Storyshift Mettaton....

" Good morning Jessie" it was UL Mettaton apparently he was getting his  mail too
So I wave and politely greet him.

" Hi Mettaton How are you ?"
This is how I greet people in real life and online .... Yeah so basically I have no life but at least I have a few friends..

" I'm great thanks for asking ! How are you ?"
He promised noticed I'm calm downed now cause he almost never asks but I responded.

" I'm good thank you for asking" we started to talk a bit.

" So have you gotten a boyfriend yet Jess ?" He asks me that a lot I think he worries about me alot but .....why be in love if it gets you hurt ?.....

" Nah I ain't got time for dat ,plus no guy is interested in me ....." He looked down for a moment then looked back at me.

" That's not true....."
I changed the subject ..

" Any further development in your relationship with Papyrus ?"

" What ? No and stop changing the subject !"
Speak of the devil Papyrus walked outside to tell the truth the UL one creeped me out he just looked like he would murder me in my sleep !

He waved at me I think he kinda knew he creeped me out then after 15 minutes of talking I went inside I was at my porch when I heard.

" W-W-Wait ! Jessica !"

" What is it ?"

" Did you hear that there's a wolf in this area ? "

" No "

" Well the government is not worried about it ... just be careful okay ? "

" Yeah yeah okay Dad " I say sarcastically

" Ha ha very punny " then they both went inside their house

Just then I heard a bush Russel then the noise went from one bush to another like something or someone was running through it ? But it's bramble ! It shouldn't be able to let things or people run through it !

I also heard .... growling ? Like a dog or cat or......wolf !
Is it true then ? There's a wolf loose and the police nor  government is going to do nothing about it ?!

It repeatedly ran around in circles I didn't move... I froze if I moved would it attack me ? I moved just barely and something did attack me it was a black with pink eyes wolf !!!!

                  ( Da wolfy)

It bit my arm I screamed like heck punching it in the face it took like literally 15 times then it flung backwards ! But it jumped on me snarling baring it's sharp fang teeth ? It was gonna bite me again ! But this time on my freaking face !

But a star was shot at it and I got up quickly to Asriel Wearing his jeans , and navy blue jacket and rainbow bandana with his strawberry candy pink eyes Peircing at the wolf or my attacker as I would call it .

" Stay away from my friend or face me ..... ASRIEL THE AMAZING GOD OF HYPERDEATH !!!!"

It's like the wolf was laughing at him it shoulders were moving very fast up and down like it was saying I'm laughing my a off then my left eye flared light blue as !y paitence soul appeared and a gaster blaster appeared.

( Weapon)

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( Weapon)

Yep this was my power it was firing up an attack the wolf looked at me like
Ah nah bruh !!! cause it backed away a bit . Then it ran away I made the blaster disappear that was scary as heck ....then Asriel came over to me.

" Hey Azzey- OOF !"

He tackled me in a hug then fixed my arm up I feel like Clementine from the walking dead video game when that dog bit her . And instead of treating her arm those people locked her in a shed.

" I'll have dad see it tomorrow "

" Okay ...." Then I went inside to see a depressed Mistyfoot .....So I walked over to her she was on the couch crying.

" Mistyfoot what's wrong ?"

She continued to cry I looked around I don't see Stonefur he left for a warriors patrol a few hours ago .....

" Mistyfoot ? Where's Stonefur ?" Her eyes widened at that....

" Stonefur..... he's..... he's ...."

" He's what ?" She looked at me Blue tears running down her face.... Yeah even cats have soul traits there souls are upside down like a monsters but colored like a human's . And Mistyfoot was integrity meanwhile Stonefur is Bravery .

" He's Dead....."

My heart had stopped how did she know ? Did  starclan tell her ?  I felt light blue tears running down my face , Mistyfoot and Stonefur and I we've been partners for 2 to 3 years .

" Are you sure how do you know ?"

" Go by the river....."

I did as she told the river wasn't very far anyway we kinda live right near a forest anyway so.... I was running as hard as I could until I finally got there. It was hard and my legs now hurt like heck but......

Oh no.....

There I saw a bloody dead Stonefur with his orange soul shattered I got closer then fell to my knees I can't believe it ....who or what did this ? I was there for about an hour or so before I decided to head home......

All I did was wonder what had happened to Stonefur and why did that wolf attack me ? I mean it could have attacked anyone but it's like it chose me ? What am I a chew toy ? I tried to pet Mistyfoot but she moved away from me.

" It's okay Misty I understand ...."

And so I waited for this day to end.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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