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It was lunch time and they were all starving
H:hey Annie how was your lessons
H:Oh why
A:Well in photography I—
H:U what
A:oh no my phone
J:You forgot about it didn't u
A:ummm maybe
They all laughed
A:Kenzie come with me to get it please
A:Hay Jayden can tell u the story about photography
H:K princess
Jayden tells him about photography
R:oh hey Annie
A:ugh not today ruby
R:Why not
A:just do us all a favour and go away
R:One day I will get my Hayden back
Annie and kenzie just walk away to there photography classroom
K:sometimes I just want to punch her
A:Same I dream of doing it
They laugh
Kenzie knocks on the door
T:come in
They walk in
A:I came to get my phone
T:ummm what
A:u took it away from me
T:um ruby cane and said that u asked her to give it to her so she took it
T:I'm sorry
A:ugh I hate her
Annie started to get realy annoyed and stormed of slamming the door behind her
Hayden got a text
H:yes princess
A:look I don't think we are working out
Hayden got sad
H:What why
A:I think u would look good worth rube
H:But u hate ruby
A:No I don't she is so sweet and nice and pretty
H:No she isn't
Annie walks to the table and before she could tell them about ruby having her phone Hayden moved away from her
A:What's wring with him
C:I can't believe what u said to him and over text that is low Annie
A:what I was about to tell u ruby has my phone she told sir she would give it to me
C:Oh no
H:She may have broken u two up
A:WHAT!!!!But I love him.carson u need to talk to him
C:I will don't worry

Hannie love u till the sun diesWhere stories live. Discover now