and all the pieces fall (right into place)

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But the possibility of Karlie wanting to 'do it again some time' had her stomach in knots.


November 19, 2013

it's karlie. lily gave me your number, i hope you don't mind?

i just wanted to know if wednesday was a one time thing

because i had fun

ya know

The way Karlie texted infuriated Taylor for some reason. It seemed like every text was multi-interpretative. She did more analyzing than she'd ever done in her high school English class. Why did Karlie send four different texts? Was that supposed to sound more casual? Or was it just a substitute for punctuation? But then why did the first text have punctuation? And she could've just texted 'I just wanted to know if Wednesday was a one-time thing because I had fun ya know'. She didn't have to double text. Why did she double text? Was she desperate for Taylor's attention?

There was no other option than to ask Selena.


November 20, 2013

Unsurprisingly, Selena was beyond excited. "You had a one-night stand?" she yelled as soon as Taylor stuttered out her confession. "With a Victoria's Secret Angel?! Taylor, oh my God! Up high!"

"Yeah, uh, I did." Taylor gave her a halfhearted high five. She took a sip of her wine, blushing slightly. "Um, but now she's texting me and I don't know what she wants."

"Wait, which Angel are we talking about? Cara Delevingne?"

"No, God, no." Taylor laughed nervously. "No, uh...I don't know if you know her. You probably don't. But either way, this information stays between these four walls, okay?"

"Yes, of course! Just tell me!"

"Okay—Karlie Kloss."

Selena's mouth fell open. "You're kidding."

"I wish I was kidding."

"Dude, she's the hottest one out there! I would hit that."

"Sel, please—"

"How was it? It was good, right? Karlie Kloss looks like she knows what she's doing."

"It was..." Taylor paused and blushed again. "Yeah, she was great."

"Damn, I can't believe you're banging models now!Come on, show me what we're dealing with."

Taylor reluctantly handed over her phone.

"Ah, a double texter," Selena nodded. "She's thirsty."

"You think so?"

"Taylor, she's literally asking you if you want to hook up again."

"Oh. Okay. Alright." Taylor's throat was dry as hay.

"So do you want to?"

"Hook up? With Karlie Kloss? Uh..." The thought was enough to make her break out in sweat. "I don't—um, I don't think—my reputation is bad enough as it is, I don't need a model girlfriend—or fuckbuddy or whatever."

"Yeah, exactly, your reputation is already pretty much ruined, so who cares what you—" Selena stopped. "Oh, sorry, was that mean?"

"It was honest," Taylor said with a faint smirk. "So you think I should text her back?"


November 24, 2013

The next time Taylor saw Karlie Kloss, she was sober and therefore way less confident than during their first meeting. As a result, she got to see a different side of Karlie—a side that came as a complete surprise to her. As soon as Karlie noticed her obvious discomfort in the dive bar where they met up, she called a cab and drove them to her apartment. She didn't seem annoyed or disappointed, just a little embarrassed.

supercut (Kaylor one-shot collection)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن