Chapter 9

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I heard the front door being unlocked and became wide awake within seconds. I poked Aaron, "Wake up. My parents are home. Hurry get up!". I saw his eyes flutter open, and he lifted his head up and looked at me for a moment and sleepily smiled. "c'mon, we don't have time for this right now, my parents are home". "OK, I'm up" he said standing and running his fingers through his hair. My parents opened the door and I ran in the kitchen and straightened my hair out. My mom walked into the kitchen and saw me, "Hey Carkles. Whatcha' doing?". "I was just looking for food". My dad walked into the kitchen too, "Mmmhm, what else did you do?". "Umm, I watched some TV and did some homework, but I didn't finish". My dad looked at me suspiciously and then made a silly face. I laughed., and he walked away. "So what did you do today Aaron?" my mom asked. "I was on my phone, went for a walk, hung out with Carkles," he looked at me, and I make a face since he called me Carkles, " and I watched some TV too". "What did you and Carley do?", she asked suspiciously. "Nothing" I answered. "Aaron, what did you guys do?". Aaron looked at me , I shook my head behind my mom. "Nothing, we did nothing. Just hung out. That's all". "Don't give me that crap guys". Then for no reason all the adults came into the room too and started listening. Uncle Julian decided to join the conversation, "Ya guys don't give her that crap". I "respectfully" glared at him. "What did you guys do?" asked Auntie Emma. Her face hardened and her accent could be heard from a mile away.

*Shit. I can't lie to Emma. She would kill me*

Aaron looked at me and I looked at him. I gave him a questioning look. He just shrugged. I looked back at my mom, Auntie Emma, and Uncle Julian. "Uncle Julian... show them the picture" I sighed. Aaron walked into the kitchen and stood next to the counter in front of me, witch was right next to all the adults. Uncle Julian pulled out his phone and showed my mom and Auntie Emma the photo. They said nothing at first, but then Auntie emma smiled and laughed but my mom looked at it and said crap. "Ha! Steven owes us 100 bucks!!" laughed Auntie Emma at my mom. "Crap. Steven! Come here!" my mom yelled laughing. My dad came in seconds, "What?". "You lost". "i did??". My mom laughed and nodded. "Crap". "Hey Steven, hows that for "your little girl"?!" laughed Uncle Julian and so did Emma, and my mom. I looked at Aaron confused, but he looked just as confused as I did. "wait i'm confused, what is going on?". Mom laughed, "We bet on you guys. We wanted to see if you guys would hook up with each other while they were here. We said you would but your dad said no and bet 100 dollars on it!!". They all laughed hard. "So you guys just, bet on us?" asked Aaron. My mom was still laughing and nodded. I rolled my eyes at them, "Hey, at least now we know they don't mind" I whispered to Aaron. He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed. I saw my dad pull out his wallet and give my mom, Auntie Emma and Uncle Julian 100 dollar bills. "Well it's 9 so me and Steven are gonna go to bed". " So are me and Julian". "You kids can stay up late tonight but be quiet. Don't be up past 12"said my mom and almost everyone walked out. My dad walked up to Aaron and looked down at him with a serious face that almost looked mean, "Don't hurt my little girl Aaron. You hurt her and there will be a problem". And my dad walked away, Aaron looked at me like he was gonna wet himself. I laughed and shrugged. Then Uncle Julian handed Aaron something in his hand and he looked at it , "Daaaaaaaaaaad!", you could hear his accent and I loved that. He tried to hand him the thing back but Uncle Julian raised his hands, "Don't give it to me, you might need it. You never know". "Dad take the friken condom" Aaron whispered but I still heard him. My face got flustered and I walked to the fridge. I still heard them though. "Aaron just take it". "dad! We have only been here for 8 days, I don't need the friken condom!! Now here, take it!!!". "Aaron don't make me get your mom, now keep it". I heard Aaron sigh and Uncle Julian walk away.

*wow, not awkward at all*

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer. I could feel Aaron's lips brush my ear, "So, you don't think we will need it, do you?". I brushed Aaron's arms off of me and I walk into the living room. "Baby, come back. I'm sorry, I was just kidding" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back on him. "I'm sorry". "No your not". "ok you're right ,but don't be mad at me, my dad just got it in my head a little. We don't have to do it if you don't want to". "I don't think I want to". "Ok. Then we won't" he looked a little disappointed.

We stayed up until 11 watching a movie called Predator. Then we went to bed. Although i'm not sure he goes to bed when i do. I feel like he's still staying up way later than I do. He also wakes up later. He must still have the indonesia time thing in his head.

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