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Draco had promised his father a new book, anything to keep his long days busy. So he set out after work to Diagon Alley and right into Flourish and Blotts. Lucius Malfoy had nothing better to entertain his days anymore. He was growing older, less capable of taking care of himself. His memory was failing him, surprising at his age, but they were told it was due to his time in Azkaban. Mother, bless her heart, did the most that she could but even she had a difficult time with her husband.

Flourish and Blotts was relatively the same as always, with a few modifications here and there. He walked towards the back, glancing every now and then at the names of the sections. The words 'Poetry & Short Literature' caught his eye and he turned down the aisle. That was, until his steps slowed to a stop, his silver eyes gazing towards the end.

A woman with bundles of brown curls was seated on the floor, gently flipping through pages and eyes skimming the text. She gave a sigh as she closed the book, placing it on the floor and picking another from the pile on the other side of her. She wore simple Muggle clothing, a pair of faded jeans and a red sweater. "Dammit," The woman cursed under her breath.

"Granger?" Draco decided it was time to reveal himself. More out of curiosity than anything, but also the fact that her brows were creased in frustration and she wore an slight frown.

Brown eyes met his as her head snapped up. She didn't respond as her surprised gaze took him in, trailing his figure and back to his eyes. His heart raced and he pushed it aside as unwarranted fear. Did she recognize him? Of course she did, he could see it in her expression.

Now that school was over- actually, that was many years ago- he rarely saw the witch. They worked in separate departments, and her fame slowly vanished as the years went on. Everything was normal, as she was just an ordinary witch. Ah, but he knew she wasn't ordinary. Hermione Granger was of course, the bright witch of her age, but she was so much more than that. If only he had applied himself more with his studies, he would have been right along with her. The Wizarding World would never be able to see just how much potential she offered.

"Malfoy? What brings you here?" Granger stood up now, collecting the discarded books and placing back in their respective places.

There was no spite or unease in her voice. They were grown now, it only seemed right. He was a downright prat in school, but there was no need for that now. "My father has requested yet another book to read. He goes through them just as quickly now as you did."

A light chuckle came from her and she smiled. "No more excitement to be had now. I suppose books are a better alternative, though."

Draco flinched at her words, the meaning clearly there, but why did she smile while saying it? His father had been horrible to her in the past, especially as a former Death Eater. Perhaps he just took her words to a deeper level at his own guilt of having taken the mark and fought for the wrong side.

"What are you doing here?" He spoke quickly, shaking the thoughts from his head.

Now she seemed hesitant to speak, eyes darting away before setting back on him. "I was looking for a poem. It was one of my mother's favorites, and I wanted to read it at.." she trailed off, wiping her eyes. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. Her funeral is only two days away, but I haven't been able to find it."

His brows furrowed as he watched her sniffle and wipe her eyes. His heart skipped and he sighed, running his long fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, Granger. I didn't know."

"What?" Her voice was soft as she looked at him, brown eyes wide and wet. She cracked a smile and shook her head. "Oh, no, please. It's ok, I mean, I'm incredibly saddened by it, but I was able to spend time with her. I have to be strong for my father." Hermione stopped and put her hands together in front of her. "I'm sorry, I'm taking up a lot of your time. You came here looking for something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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