"Tounge action!"

"Making out!"

He added more detail, putting a veil on the woman.

"Black Veil Brides!"


"Marriage!" Kianna blurted out.

"Yes!" Tony laughed. "How about that?"

Kianna was confused, as were the rest of us. It thundered. "What?" She asked.

Tony picked up the board, writing so she couldn't see. When he was finished, he pulled a box out of his pocket, and turned the board around. Marina set down her knitting needles in shock.

The board read "Will you marry me?". Kianna put her hands to her mouth. It thundered a little more. Tony opened the box, and inside lay a little ring. Her eyes widened even more.

"So, Kianna, will you do the honors of accompanying me on this journey through life?" He asked, smiling and nervous.

She could only nod, tears of joy spilling down her face. He set down the board and pulled her in for a hug. She kissed him, then kept crying. Everyone started clapping. Just, wow. I couldn't believe it! They were engaged!

"Oh my god, Tony, that was the sweetest way I've ever heard of someone being proposed to!" She bawled.

"I thought right now would be perfect." He replied.

"It was! Oh my god, I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with you!" She held him and wouldn't let go.

Marina wiped her few tears. "Another one is leaving the nest!"

"I'm not going forever!" Kianna turned around and hugged her.

"But you're my best friend in the entire world! I can't imagine you being a wifey!" Colby cried even harder than Marina, joining the hug.

"Dude, that was awesome." Matt gave him a fist pump.

"Thanks, man. Hey, Khanna, you forgot to actually try on the ring!" Tony laughed.

She reached out her hand, and he slipped it on. It fit nicely. The ring itself was a silver band with detailing around the gem, which was just one big black diamond. It suited Kianna so well; no wonder Tony was able to get it so quickly. Plus, it went with her black nail polish, which made the moment seem even mor perfect.

"Tony, this is absolutely surreal. I love you so fucking much!" She grabbed his face and kissed him.


Everyone that was here during the day was staying the night. Colby was kind enough to give her bedroom to Kianna and Tony, while she took her parent's room (since they were out for the weekend). Colby's sister was cool with letting Matt stay in her room while she was at college. That left (obviously) the pull out couch for Marina and me. I don't know why we always slept on pull out couches; I hate pulling out. But, still, it was nice to have a big TV all to ourselves.

I came back from the kitchen with popcorn and two root beer floats for us. I set everything on the table, then crawled in beside her. She always made the same, ridiculously adorable face whenever she played any video game. She would stick out her tounge, then bite her lip. It made me laugh every time.

"One more touchdown, and then I'm done." She said, keeping her promise within moments.

"You're face is so funny when you do that." I grinned.

"Why thank you. You wanna play?" She asked.

"No, I just wanna watch Almost Famous. Is it on tonight?" I questioned.

Somewhere In Neverland (Sequel to Oh, Calamity)Where stories live. Discover now