Chapter 1

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"Abigail!" I screamed. Where in the world is she?

"Up here mum!" She was on top of a VERY high tree.

"Get down! You're going to fall!" She quickly and gracefully got down the tree. Now we

"Mum I've told you millions of times that my names not Abigail or Abby, its Jacqueline."She scowled. Damn it I regret telling her what he middle name is!

"Well I choose to call you Abigail so that's your name not Jacqueline." She frowned.

"B-but you told me that that was my middle name!" She whined. Ugh, its not worth the fight.

"Okay Jacqueline, we really need to get going!" I pushed her through the door up the tower where Rapunzel, Flynn, and Brandon were waiting for us.

"OK uh do we have everything ready?"I nodded as I put "Jacqueline" on a sweater.

"Off camping we go!" Rapunzel cheered. Its been 5 years since I have "disappeared". Brandon is now 8 years old and Jacqueline,or Abigail, is now 7 years old. She has my crazy red hair and Jack's beautiful blue eyes. The funny thing is that, she's half mortal and she has her fathers powers. (Snow,Cold,Ice etc....) I have to admit that I am over protective, no wonder my mother worried so much about me. I make her wear extra sunscreen and put on an extra sweater. All those mothery things. I tell her stories about me but not Jack. She thinks he's dead.

"Aunt Rapunzel tell Brandon to stop flicking his boogers at me! Its gross!" Abby whined. I swear all those two ever do is fight!

"Aunt Merida tell Abigail to stop freezing my boogers!That's not fair!" I groaned.

"My name is not Abigail! Its Jacqueline!" She punched Brandon's arm.

"Ow! Aunt Merida Abigail hit me!"

"You started it!" Abby protested.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did no-"

"Both of you shut your pie holes! Abby next to me, Brandon go next to your dad!" I exploded. Abby and Brandon stuck there tungs out at each other and obeyed me.

"My name is Jacqueline." Abby mumbled. I sighed. This is only the beginning.









As we walked to our destination, Rapunzel started to get tired. Did I tell you that she is now 7 months pregnant? No? Well we decided to rest for a bit.

"Aunt Rapunzel, are you having a baby girl or boy?" Rapunzel sighed.

"I don't know yet sweetie. Your little cousin doesn't want me to know what it is. It wants it to be a surprise." She giggled.

"I want a baby brother!" Brandon.

"You might have a baby sister Brandon." Rapunzel smiled

"Yeah and I could play dolls with her and do her hair and do our nails!It would be so much fun!'' Abby and Rapunzel laughed. Brandon rolled his eyes.

"I want a brother so that we can flick our boogers at you and beat you at arrow shooting."

"No one can beat me at that! My mum showed me how and she's the best at it!" Abby announced proudly.

"Can too!"

"Can not!"

"Can too!"

"Can no-"

"Both of you shut up!" Rapunzel yelled. She started to get upset.

"I'm sorry guys. I really am. Please don't ever say shut up, there I go again I'm sorry." Rapunzel started to cry. Mood swings. Flynn and I sat down next to her trying to comfort her. Brandon and Abby stayed quiet. They just eyed us. As soon as Rapunzel calmed down we continued the walk. Brandon and Abby didn't say a word to each other the whole way there. Thank god!











The sequel to "You are the one" has officially started. It has been 7 years now since Merida has seen Jack. Well I am excited to start this sequel. I hope it gets as much reads and positive comments as the first. Don't forget to add,comment,and vote pretty please if you're a newbie then read my first book, You Are The One or else this won't make any sense. Bye my lovelies! Xx.


I will be writing in italics while your author will wright in bold letters. Just to let you know. I really enjoy editing this story its one of my favorites from YouKnewHeWasTrouble well gtg vote,comment,add byeeee.... c;





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