Not A Chapter and Amazing News

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Hey guys it's Megan and Spencer, we just wanted to let y'all know that even though the book has ended, the story hasn't. Now you may be confused, the reason why the story isn't ending is because we are *Drum roll* MAKING A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!

(That's the reason why the last chapter was all over the place, and skipping time like crazy, and really long.)

We have thought about the sequel long and hard and after lots of debating we finally got the details set in stone.

Info about the sequel:

1.) It will be called A Taste of My Own Life

2.) It will be Megan's view on life and the problems her and her friends will face.

3.) Meg is 15

4.) Dyl is 13

5.) Megan is BFF's with Alex and Caty

6.) Alex is Ben and Mal's 14 year old girl (only a couple of months younger than Megan)

7.) Caty is Gil and Mer's 13 year old girl (only a couple of months behind Alex)

8.) Caty is super smart and was put in school early, hence the reason why she is in the same grade as Meg and Alex.

9.) Meg, Lex (Alex), and Cat (Caty) are like the 3 Musketeers, their parents call them the M.A.C. Trio

10.) Dyl gets a friend named Logan

11.) Logan is Jay and Lonnie's 13 year old boy

12.) Logan and Dyl were born only a few days apart so whenever they have a birthday party they have them together but with family they celebrate separately

13.) Jay and Lonnie met Harry and Uma when Dyl was 8 and Meg was 10

14.) The M.A.C. trio are in 9th grade.

15.) Dyl and L.J. (Logan) are in 7th grade.

16.) The sequel will have some time skips but they won't be as big.

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