[13]: The Biggest Conglomerate in the World

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of suicide

[2008. Sweden]

The heir of the Sjögren estate could hardly sleep the first night back home.

No one would ever guess if they saw him the next morning as he approached The Bragi Theatre. Aside from a few sporadic yawns, his face hid all signs of fatigue.

He blamed the jet lag, although, the voice in the back of his head correctly blamed the nerves. Those stupid nerves. Perhaps they hit him particularly hard because physically, nothing changed, home remained home. Just like he remembered it. The buildings that composed his neighborhood were just like they were. The plants still stood strong in the same spots from years ago. The buildings still had the same marks scattered on the faded bricks. How is it even possible? How did nothing change? He left seventeen years ago.

The businessman's permanent residence has been on the east coast of the United States since hitting the age of eighteen. A place chosen for its familiarity and for the fact that he thought if he lived there he would never see any member of his large family ever again apart from his mother. But just as he managed to erase that unwanted history—convincing his colleagues of his standing as an only child—they returned. In the form of a formally written email to his official E Corp account.

Silvanus didn't know why it took six paragraphs to express the news. He could've summarized it in three sentences: Dad died a week ago. He left him everything. Obviously, they were contesting the will.

He didn't understand what prompted this sudden generosity from his father. No one did. The Sjögren men hadn't seen each other in seventeen years. In fact, Silas vowed to never see the old fuck ever again. Mostly due to Ivar's constant humiliation of him—the youngest biological child. Ivar gave him an overtly Swedish name despite Silas being born in America to an American woman and sent him to an American boarding school. Silas barely knew any Swedish, he only ever spent the summers (and odd weekends) in the country, usually, confining himself to his room and waiting to return to school.

The same thing he did for the first week of his return.
Although, Silvanus didn't need the inheritance, his fight for it stemmed from a place of pettiness. If he couldn't have it, no one could. Honestly, however, it began to become draining. Especially, after first spotting the most prestigious building he now owned—a theatre. The place his lawyers forced him to visit. The picturesque property reminded him of the terrible, torturous boarding school that rested in Northern New York. The place where his father forced him to attend. Various colorful flowers and trees lined the outside. The building shaped traditionally—rectangular—and towering over three stories. It was decorated with columns as well as arches. Even the people reminded him of his old school. All groomed and proper, snobbish looking people, who probably care too much about what other people think about them.

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