The Sept Mortels Family

Start from the beginning

 As the name suggests, he is very proud in what he does and what he has already done, often appearing to other demons as nice and kind-hearted. Though they are wrong. He is completely arrogant, haughty and very pompous, often looking for his parents praise so he can rub it on his younger brother Anger. He is summoned fairly often for things like an increase in confidence or having someone they hate go through losing something so the summoner could gloat and boast. He is sometimes summoned by teenage girls or older women who have heard that he is immensely handsome, hoping to seduce him and enter a night of intense pleasure. He always refuses them by showing his arrogant side, saying he is far superior than them and they do not deserve him. Then the next day the female mysteriously disappears...  

The middle son is Anger.

 His other names include Wrath and Fury

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 His other names include Wrath and Fury. He is often summoned by someone who is in the middle of rage and in the spur of the moment they summon him and ask for something dreadful to happen to whatever caused them to go into a fury. He is quite sadistic and has a short-temper, obviously. Often seen seething in a corner with his arms crossed because of something one of his family members has done, whether that be saying something to him or refusing him something. He hates his family but will protect them if danger comes. He is quite powerful and will go into his Rage-Mode during attack, often going blind out of rage and attacking anyone near him.  

The youngest son is Sloth.

 A particularly lazy demon as the name suggests

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 A particularly lazy demon as the name suggests. He will often get summoned but hardly ever appears before his summoner because he can't be bothered. But when he does hes asked to do things for people who are too lazy to do them, like their jobs or assignments from students or simple chores. He is hardly ever seen because he's always sleeping and staying out of everyone's way. He acts a bit like a teenage girl often calling people 'lame' and not doing something if its embarrassing or huffing when told to do something by his parents. Catches his enemies off guard by acting like hes daydreaming or paying attention to something else, then attacking them when they get close.  

The only two daughters of the demon parents are Envy (Left) and Greed (Right). 


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Two of the most popular summons. Envy is a very snobbish and snide demon, not helping anyone but watching in 'envy' as they complete their task and gain something from it. She is sometimes summoned by people who have recently ended a relationship, whether that be dating or marriage, and they want something bad to happen to their ex partner. She hates her three older-brothers for different reasons; She hates Pride because of how proud he is and how much attention he gets from their parents, she hates Anger because of how powerful he is and she hates Sloth because he can always sleep anywhere while she can never sleep for more than an hour. Her twin sister Greed is very sly and cunning always trying to get something from other people if they want a favour. She gets summoned by people who want money or fame so she is summoned quite often. She has nothing against anyone in their family, except a small grudge against Pride since he once got her to do something and he did give her anything in return. The two are weak by themselves but can fuse together to create to create their more powerful form (Below).

 The two are weak by themselves but can fuse together to create to create their more powerful form (Below)

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But they're demons, they shouldn't be able to grant wishes like that! There has to be a twist!

There is, different twists for each of them.

For Lust;

- If a single man chooses to induce in pleasures with here he will end up with an STD.

- If a married man chooses to induce in pleasure his wife will find out and their marriage will fall apart.

-If a teenager does it he will also end up with an STD.

For Pride;

- If someone wishes for something bad to happen to someone else so they can gloat and boast something bad will also happen to them but much, much worse.

- If someone wishes for their confidence to be increased it will but only for a short period of time and then they will go through a traumatic event causing them to have severe anxiety and will be unable to be confident ever again.

For Anger;

- If someone wishes for a person to go through something dreadful or have something happen to them, he will leave something behind of theirs leading the police to them and they will be punished for it in a cruel act of karma.

For Sloth;

-If someone with a job asks him to do their work for them it will be awfully done and might lead to them loosing their jobs.

- The same goes for students, their assignments will be shitty and will cause them to lose marks or grades.

(Hey, he said he would do it, he never said he could... ¬.¬)

For Envy;

- If the person wanted something to happen to their ex-partner it would, but they would find out that their partner did still want and love them but were forced into something else, thus making them live forever in regret at what they did and the fact they will never see their love again.

For Greed;

- If people wished for fame it would only happen for a while before they would be involved in some type of scandal causing their fame and popularity to decrease too nothing. Now they're like they where before the wish, except everyone hates them.

- If people wished for money they would get it, but something, like an accident causing them to spend all the money on repairs or hospital bills, leaving them with even less money than what they started with.

They weren't the most popular demon family, often cheating on deals with other families, but they were extremely powerful.

None of the images shown in this chapter belong to me and all rights go to their original owners.

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