Compromise Me: Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

She rotated in her seat and faced him.  Good mood gone...just like that.  “Hey! I did not flirt with anyone. Yes, I should not have had that last glass of wine, and I only cussed one time. Otherwise, I was a perfectly respectable lady! What’s your problem?”

“You were acting like your old self, and I didn’t like it,” he said.

“I did not!”

He shifted so that his shoulder rested against the back of the seat and his eyes were boring into her. “Who the hell walks out of a bathroom and suddenly attracts flies to honey? The second you left my side, they swarmed!”

Josie blinked the last of the wine from her brain and gawked at him. “You’re jealous!”

He twisted back around and loosened his tie. “I am not.”

She pursed her lips together and kept them that way. There was no use arguing with him. This wasn’t even a conversation she should be having. They were friends! Sort of, anyway. He saved her ass tonight -- literally -- and she should just thank him and be done with it.

The words locked inside her throat.

And the rest of the car ride was silent. When they arrived at her apartment building, she let out a breath and said, “Goodnight, Travis. Have a good weekend.”

He hand snaked out and grasped her wrist. “Josie...wait.  I’m...I'm sorry.  I wasn't jealous; I was irritated."

"Because I cussed, I drank too much, or I flirted?" she asked, irritated at him.

"Because women like you never leave with guys like me when there are guys like those around," he said.

She wasn't exactly sure what he was talking about.  "I did leave with you," she said.

"Only because..."  He ran fingers through his hair, rumpling the dark strands in the most delicious way.  "Listen, if you didn't know me, if you saw me tonight for the first time and found out I'm a dad...what would you have done?"

She stared in his eyes.  "Why are you asking me this?"

"I want to know why me."

“I thought we were waiting until after the wedding to talk about this again,” she said.

He sat back.  “’re right.  I don’t know what I was thinking.”

She sucked in a breath.  “Travis--”

After the wedding,” he said quickly, and Josie sighed.  She smiled reluctantly, leaned over and kissed his cheek. He turned his head right as she made contact and their lips brushed against each others. Josie jerked. She backed up. She looked at him.  He seemed about as startled as her, but he pulled her back for another soft, sweet, gentle kiss.

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