Alone in the Valley

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I've walked down this path many times'

even the paths around.

It's always been pleasant and serene,

with the breezes calming sound.

The walks are always full of sweetness,

and the natures very lovely.

That's why I bring no-one here.

Alone in the Valley.

If someone does follow

They'll be lost in an instant.

Especially since they find the wrong way,

but I'm more persistent.

I've remembered every turn crevice,

creek, willow and alley.

As I sing like a siren and walk,

Alone in the Valley.

The ground moves beneath my feet,

taking another life away.

Probably the same as the last,

every time it's always been this way.

I didn't say it was pleasant for others,

at least not when I'm around to see.

Thus I'm probably wrong about being

Alone in the Valley.

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