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Got some more memes


Ghost: nothing in life is free

Ace: life is free

Kc: adventure is free

Halo: knowledge is free

Frost: anything is free if you take it without paying


Ghost: Ace I need to ask you something

Ace: all those people were dead when i got here

Ghost: what

Ace: what

I dont know what to write here to separate the memes anymore

Frost: I told you to hide your heart, Halo

Halo: how can I hide my heart if senpai has it

Frost: what

Halo: what


Ace: I made you breakfast :3    I know its just a bowl of cereal but its the only thing i cant burn

Mk now lemme just find some more
(This one isnt really accurate but its funny and im putting it here)

Ghost: *to Blaze* why do u hav to get hammered with Frost's friends??

Blaze: Frost has friends?? Anyways i wasnt that drunk last night

Kc: u were flirting with Halo

Blaze: and?? Shes my senpai

Kc: u asked if she was single

Frost: and u cried when she said she wasnt

Ace: it was fun

Lets just put a few more in there.. *puts a single drop of meme*

Ace: i am the most ferocious demon youll ever see

Frost: ....... is your hand stuck in the vending machine??

Ace: i paid for my Snickers!! IM GETTING MY SNICKERS!!!!

Just 1 more

Halo: from now on we will be using codenames. U can address me as "Eagle 1" Frost is "Been There, Done That." Blaze is "Currently Doing That." Ghost is "It Happened Once In A Dream." Kc is "If I Had To Pick A Girl." And Jade is "Eagle 2."

Ace: oh thank god

Welp thats all for now BYEM!!!


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