War of the Werewolves

Start from the beginning

The Castle shook, as all along its hallowed halls, House Elves raised their hands and let loose their own magic to stabilize it.

Flitwick went to his knees, and Ron caught Hermione as she swooned. Many of the parents helping hold the defense perimeter went down as well, the shock having somehow drained them.

"Blood magic!" Kingsley gasped, shuddering. "They just sacrificed someone down there!"

From their new hiding place behind the rose bushes, Teddy and his pack watched as the wave of blackness hit the shields. All of them, including Argos, wrinkled their noses in disgust. "She has crossed the line," Argos snarled. "Ordinary magic, Wizard or Elf, will not be enough to withstand her now!"

"What do we do?" Freddie whined, his fur shifting to a lighter yellow.

"We fight!" Teddy growled, getting to his feet as his fur turned first black, then red.

And his pack stood with him.

They stepped around the rosebushes as Podmore's knights took a step forward, their ghostly chargers champing at their bits and pawing the turf. The resurrected defenders advanced as well. From the battlements, the living defenders raised their wands again. The Dementors rose up, probing the fence, and the werewolves began to move.

"I can't get a target," Kingsley muttered, waving his wand at the crowd. "Whoever did it is Disillusioning, somehow!"

And then another scream.

Again, the Castle shook.

Flitwick collapsed.

The Dark Army charged.

"Shields collapsing!" Hermione warned them.

Draco gave his wand a shake and spoke into the tip. "Kreacher! Security breach! Have the Elves prepare for structural damage!"

The first wave of Dementors and werewolves then rammed the shivering gates from the outside, as Greyback rammed back from the inside. There was a squeal of yielding metal as Hermione and several others went to their knees, breaking out in a sweat despite the chill night.

The others moved to assist them, drawing wands as the first rank of Dementors were deflected, and the werewolves were thrown back several meters. Again, the humans fired their Reductor curses.

The shields fell.

There was a defiant roar of an enraged wolf, and then the front gates collapsed. The winged boars fell from their crumbling podiums as well, and would have crushed Greyback if not for the quick movements of Dumbledore and Snape, who somehow deflected them.

"Being dead does have its advantages," Snape noted, as the Headless Hunt charged and the Werebears of Durmstrang sprang into action. Taken by surprise, the first wave of invading werewolves began to fall or flee as the much-larger Bears and Greyback's pack savaged them.

"Your duty is to guard these gates, such as they are," Dumbledore then reminded the fallen boar statues, who then seemed to spring to life and began making use of their tusks.

There were yelps of pain below as the defenders above began firing into the melee, but they soon decided that it was too risky. There was every chance that they might hit one of their own, as Greyback's companions all dived into the fray as well.

"Harry, I don't like this," Ron pointed out. "There's not enough of ‘em down there! This can't be all of them, what didn't come over to our side."

"Noted," Harry muttered, concentrating on the Stone.

And at the forefront, a black dog, two great gray wolves, and the pink wolf went straight for Circe. The Black Wolf, however, took one look at the charging stag and vanished back into her myriad followers.

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