The Pensieve & the Potions Master

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The Pensieve


the Potions Master

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The Gryffindor First Year Boys got a rude awakening on Saturday night when they finally woke up from their most recent adventures.

In addition to finding out that they'd been magically scanned for the whole of the day (which left them a bit itchy and irritable), they also found out that their parents had been contacted and had just recently arrived at Hogwarts to visit them.

"But there's nothin' wrong with us!" Teddy protested, as a disheveled Draco and Madame Pomfrey descended upon them once again. This time, they intended to draw blood and other samples.

"We can't be certain of that yet," Madame Pomfrey informed them, "No one's ever done this before!"

"Bloomin' vampires is whut yeh are," Ciaran protested, as Draco stuck him. Ciaran yelped, sounding like a wounded dog. Everyone looked at him.

"That kinda carries over," Jack informed him sullenly.

"When we're done here," Draco told them, as he turned his attentions to Lee, "You can explain this wonderful mess to your parents. Won't that just be so much fun?" He looked as if he were enjoying it.

"Mam an' Da' are gonna have fits," Ciaran fretted.

"Do they know?" Lee mumbled, noticing that Teddy's and Freddie's hair had turned yellow again.

"No," Madame Pomfrey said bluntly. "We thought we'd leave that bit of explaining up to you lot?"

"Great," Freddie muttered, with visions of a hysterical Grandma Molly dancing in his head.

"That's it," Draco then announced, as he flicked his wand, sealing the top on a sample container. "Get yourselves cleaned up and dressed. Your parents will be in shortly."

"Use the facilities over there," Madame Pomfrey gestured to a door that the boys had never seen before. "Put on clean pyjamas, then come back to bed."

"Why can't we have our clothes back?" Teddy protested.

"Because you shredded them last night," Draco reminded them.

"You're supposed to strip ‘em off and hang ‘em up where you can't reach ‘em before you change," Jack informed them.

"Now he tells us," Ciaran fretted, "Tha' wuz me best robe, too!"

"Like I could do that, a hundred feet up in the air, dodging Bludgers, while turning into a werewolf," Teddy grumbled.

"Does the Gringott's Accidental Magical Disaster Insurance Policy on Students cover that Quidditch uniform?" Draco asked sarcastically.

"No," Madame Pomfrey shook her head, "Thank goodness they didn't have that in place when Potter was a boy, or he'd have broken the bank!"

Once the boys had cleaned up, with Freddie commenting that it was nice to have "live" fingers and feet again, the boys returned to the main Hospital to find their parents waiting for them. In the cases of Teddy and Jack, this consisted of Harry and Ginny Potter and Andromeda Tonks. For Freddie, it was his parents and his Weasley Grandparents.

"Wha's the big emergency?" Seamus Finnigan asked Harry. "They look fine to me?"

"Yeah, we've got loads of work to do with the League," Lee Jordan, Sr. added, glancing at his son. "What have you done now?"

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