Part 2 of 3

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When I first heard the screaming I thought it was some animal that got caught on fire. But because the screaming got louder and more ear piercing I knew it was a human. I quickly turn around to see that my girlfriend Sophia was on the ground unconscious and my friends Michelle, Alissa, and Avery were sitting on the ground around her and Alissa was screaming because Sophia and her are cousins. I quickly run over to them and ask what happened. Michelle and Avery tell me that when the fire shifted directions a flame that was in the wind struck Sophia and she fell to the ground and went unconscious. After they told me what happened we got Alissa to calm down. All of us quickly got Sophia in the truck and then the rest of us got in to the truck and we rushed to the hospital. We had to wait like Thirty Minutes to see a doctor. The doctor took an x-ray and a cat scan and he said that she has a small concussion and she broke her collarbone. It took the doctor a few minutes to cast up her collarbone then we were able to leave. By the time we got back to the truck Sophia finally woke up. She started to freak out because she didn't know where we were but she quickly realized that we were leaving the hospital. I explained to her that she had a small concussion and she broke her collarbone. I also told her that the doctor said that she can't be rough with it or that she will make the collarbone even worse. After that she called her parents a few times but they never picked up. Because they didn't pick up on the phone we went over to Sophia's house to see that it was engulfed in flames. Personally I thought that Sophia was gonna start screaming or crying but she didn't. We quickly realized that it wasn't just her parents house on fire. The whole block behind her house was on fire. In fact the whole row of blocks going from the back of the mountain where the school is to Sophia's house it all was on fire. Once we saw that we decided it would be best to go the neighboring city and stay in a hotel for the night. We booked Three rooms then I paid for them. Sophia and I were in room 56 and Alissa and Avery were in room 58 and Michelle got room 57. Once we figured out where are rooms were we went to Michelle's house so she could get her car. We also did that for Avery. Once Avery and Michelle got their cars we went to where the school evacuated to pick up all of our friends. Sophia, Alissa and I picked up my little sister Taylor and Alissa picked up her little brother Kenny. (Sophia doesn't have any siblings.) Michelle picked up our friends Kyle, Frank, and Maddie while Avery picked up her older sister Elsie and her younger brother Luke. Once we picked them up we went back to the hotel to see that it was on fire. All of we glad that we didn't leave anything in our rooms. We all called our parents but none of our parents answered. I went to my house to see that is was on fire and the same with everybody else in our whole group except for Alissa's house. But the fire was nearing Alissa's house so Alissa and I went into her house to see her parents were sleeping. We woke them up and got them and their cars evacuated. Luckily Alissa's dad is a helicopter pilot so we went to the airport and Alissa's dad and I got in the helicopter. We flew back to the our city (Which is the city of Ramsey) to see basically the whole city on fire and part of the neighboring city of Anoka on fire. At this point I was using my firefighter radio to radio in all of the firefighters in the county and some out of the county. (County of Anoka). We were also able to get a hold of the Governor to put a mandatory evacuation of the county. Once we got back to the ground all of the others went to the Anoka high school. Everyone that was in my truck went with me back to the county. Once we made it to the county I radioed in to find the firefighters. When I found them they were at the other neighboring city named Nowthen. Everyone that was with me were also able to get geared up with me. Once we were all geared up we went to the Nowthen fire department to get a fire truck. Once we got a fire truck we went to my house and started fighting the fires in my neighborhood. I was relieved that there were other fire trucks helping out here. The other the fire trucks and us put out all of the fires in the nearby neighborhoods. Once we finished the neighborhoods we went to the school and finished up the school. Right after we finished doing the school Michelle called me sounding worried and she said the high school in Anoka was on fire so we rushed over there. When we got there, we saw that the whole thing was on fire. I also noticed that Michelle, Maddie, Avery, and Kyle were the only people outside, so I assumed that Elsie, Frank, Luke, and the rest of the school (Including our whole school and the anoka high schoolers) were dead. Luckily we had enough gear to gear all of them up, so we did. Once we were all geared up I radioed in to inform the others that the high school area of Anoka high school was on fire. Once I did we had two more trucks come and help up.

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