"I thought... I thought that our friendship meant nothing to you... nothing at all, it just made everything look fake... all our happiness, all those moments we spent together... Nanu never stopped asking about you... Patha hai?" she moved away from him, looking at him questioningly with teary eyes,

Virat blinked his eyes to get rid of the tears, he missed them too... he had wanted to just go and meet them several times after coming away but his fear never let him take that action,

"Will you agree if I say that I was just scared to bid adieu..." He asked hoping to acquire her forgiveness.

"I don't know..." Manvi replied feebly,

"Will Nanu forgive me...?" He asked as his voice cracked, he looked at Manvi helplessly as she kept on looking at him with a soft expression,

"Of course he would, you were after all his favorite amongst us..." she took few minutes before she could answer,

"I don't deserve that... I didn't deserve to be his favorite..."

Manvi moved forward yet again to take his hand into hers, "You do... And you will always be his favorite..."

They stayed silent for few more moments after Virat held her hand back in a tight grip, he had no words to express his guilt and regret, talking to Manvi made him feel better though,

"I should get going..." he broke the silence when he felt his phone vibrate,

"Hmm..." Manvi moved away nodding at him,

"Bye... Will try to be back soon... We'll find out a way for your boredom..." he smiled and left to work,

"Bye..." she whispered softly as she settled on the sofa, the talk between her and Virat had made her curiousness to reach its peak, she badly wanted to know the reason behind his sudden disappearance... to be honest not only that but also his changed life style, she agrees that people change with time, but there are few things which makes you the person you are, and she could confidently say that this is not Virat, she had been living with him for the past few weeks, she rarely sees him talking to any of his family members, and the Virat she knew would get about ten calls a day from his family, he rarely went out with friends or spoke to any of them or even told anything about having friends to her, the Virat she knew used to have a bunch of admirers and friends around him 24*7, then girlfriends... she chuckled softly as she remembered the number of girlfriends he used to have during college, but she could only remember one girl out of all of them who lasted for more than a week, his relationship status was never single, he never made it look obvious but all the girls he dated knew that there was nothing serious for him in all those relationships and they were surprisingly fine with that too... or maybe there was nothing surprising about it he after all was an extremely good looking guy who could make all the women around him fall in love with him with just a light smirk combined with a raised eyebrow, she never thought that he would become her best friend, she was totally opposite to the girls he got along with, she was nerdy, shy and less talkative... she would only talk to people freely after she gets totally comfortable with them... And Virat fell right after her Nanu in her list... Was she wrong about being able to read right through him, did he have any particular reason other than not being strong enough to have a proper farewell... she had to find it out.


Manvi was so engrossed in finding about Virat and his life that she was free from all her worries, she totally left behind her worries and accepted what she had with open arms, what all she thought about day and night was Virat, she frequently reminded herself that it was only because he was the only person who was around her, but that didn't change even after she joined a magazine company as an assistant editor, her experience being the editor at college newspaper had helped her to catch up with the work in a very short period, she was thankful to Mr. Ahuja for offering the job to not because Virat's recommendation but because she was eligible for the designation... Work normally used to keep her very busy but Virat used to stay in her mind all day, it had been a routine for her to check on everything he did, she sometimes felt herself nosy and annoying but she couldn't help it, though Virat never showed any displeasure she could feel that he was kind of distancing himself away from her and that was starting to rip her heart to no ends.

Second ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora