Day 1

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The six teens looked at each other awkwardly. They didn't know each other or never seen each other before. They all did something that made the teachers force them sit at on table for twenty-five days. Now they just twirled their thumbs and try to look everywhere but each other expect for one boy.

The boy is name Butch Schmidt. His spiky black hair is always wild and never stay down, dark green eyes that always has the same mischievous glint. Freckles dotted along his cheeks and dimples always show when he smiles or laughs. His fashion is always the same, black skinny jeans, white shirts and a green jacket or black leather jacket.

He sat there munching happily on his pizza and drinking his soda. He hummed as his right hand tapped on the table. Butch looked up at the other teens with confused face.

"Why aren't you guys eating?" He asked.

"How could eat that? Do you have any idea what they do to the cows?" The blonde boy asked.

The blonde boy is name Boomer Thomas. His long blonde hair tied back in a bun, dark blue eyes with a bright look. His pale skin with tan patches across his body. His northen accent that can't be placed in a state but it match with his tall skinny body. His fashion never stays the same, but the color blue is always present.

He looked at the pizza in digust, "That poor cow."

"This poor cow has made some good cheese." Butch said.

"You're vegan?" The orange hair girl asked.

The orange hair girl is name Blossom Akatsusumi. Long orange hair that reaches her knees because she refuses to cut only trim and always tied with a bow. Bright pink eyes that glows with happiness and pale skin that glows under the light. A chunky body from eating sweets but a brain full of knowledge. Her fashion always matches how she feels.

Boomer nodded, "A healthy life style."

"But we can see your bones." The blonde girl said.

The blonde girl is name Bubbles Gotokuji. Her curly blonde hair always tied up, light blue eyes shining with life. Pale skin with freckles along her entire body. Her fashion is always beautiful and nice but she could care less about her money and riches.

"So? It's better than eating something that was stolen." Boomer snapped.

"I think the animals loved to give us this glorious food." Butch said.

"What you call glorious, I call terrible." Boomer said.

"So you only eat lettuce?" Bubbles asked.

"There are vegan meals and tofu." Blossom said.

"Tofu?" Butch asked.

"Fake meat." Boomer replied, happily.

"How could you not want meat? Have you ever tasted steak? That's is the good stuff." The black hair girl said.

The black hair girl is name Buttercup Matsubara. Her short black hair is always messy and streaks of bright green. Her skin is dark brown from being in the sun everyday and bright green always looking for competition. Her fashion is spunky and sporty, never girly or pretty. The only make up she wears is eyeliner to make her eyes look even brighter.

"She knows what's up." Butch said as he pointed towards Buttercup.

"We meat eaters gotta stick together." Buttercup said.

"Disgusting." Boomer mumbled.

Bubbles smiled, "Do you want apple juice?"

"No thank you." Boomer said.

"What? You don't eat fruit either?" Butch asked.

"No, I'm not thirsty." Boomer said.

"Shameful, turning down a pretty lady." Butch said.

"What he means, he doesn't trust us." The orange hair boy said. "And quite frankly, I don't either."

The orange hair boy is name Brick Jojo. His long orange hair that reaches his shoulders but a red cap always on top. Dark red eyes with a cold look, his pale skin has scars across his body and a large one across his cheek. His fingers wrapped with band-aids and he only wears black and red for clothes.

"I don't even trust myself. So why trust you guys?" Brick said.

"Well alright Sad Sam, what's your name?" Butch asked.

"The names Brick, yours?" Brick asked.

"Butch. And what's yours, Vegan?" Butch asked as he opened his soda.

"Boomer and don't ever call me Vegan ever again." Boomer snapped.

"Oo feisty, I think we're going to be great friends." Butch said then looked at the girls. "And your names are?"




Brick nodded at them then pulled out a box of band-aids and started to out them around his fingers. Blossom pulled a book then started to read. Buttercup grabbed her notebook then started to doodle. Bubbles tapped her finger against the juice bottle. Butch continued to eat his food and try to keep small talk. Boomer just stared into space.

"So?" Butch asked. "Why are guys stuck here?"

The six teens looked at each other then away. Butch smiled but Brick shrugged.

"That's a little personal, don't you think?" Brick asked.

"Well we're stuck for each other for a while. So let's get to know each other. " Butch said.

"Sounds like a bad idea." Blossom said. "Besides we'll only see each other at lunch."

"Then we can be lunch buddies." Bubbles said.

"Oh yippie." Brick mumbled.

"But I still wanna know how you guys got In here." Butch said.

"Earn my trust and I'll tell ya." Buttercup said.

But they have no idea how how these twenty-five days are going to change them.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!!!!!

New book! What we thinks so far???? Also let me clear up some things!

1: Brick, Boomer, and Butch AREN'T brothers!
2: This book will only be set in the lunchroom.
3: Girls don't know each other either!!!

So yeah... your thoughts!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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