“Follow me,” I stated motioning with my hand.

“What’s going on?” He whispered in a confused voice.

“I’ll explain later. Just be quiet and follow me,” I commanded, “oh, and take you coat with you.” I noticed a rough coat on the ground; he had evidently been sleeping on it. We stepped outside and I closed the door, I would lock it when I got back, now time was of the essence and I couldn’t try and fiddle with the lock in the pitch black of the night. Sammy stared at me, eyes wide as saucers. His eyes had also adjusted to the darkness, and though we were still mostly silhouettes to each other, he could see enough to tell him just how unkept I was at the moment. My dress was obviously old and my hair let loose, the golden locks reaching nearly half way down my back and slightly tangled at that. I had no coat, no shawl and no shoes. I had lifted my dress a little when stepping out of the shed and his eyes had noticed my bare feet. I put my finger to my lips, silencing all his questions. We had to get someplace safe before I could explain anything to him. Thanks to my nighttime adventure that fateful March night, I had some idea of how to sneak around the plantation in a way without getting noticed. The day before I had taken a walk, trying to remember the exact route of  the Ides of March escapade, and though most of it was still unclear to me, I had a general picture in my mind of where to go. We crept through my garden, and then away from the mansion. My main goal was to get off my uncle’s plantation, the open fields with hardly any trees provided a very unsafe place and should someone want to look they could have easily noticed us. The entire walk across the plantation I prayed like I had never prayed in my life, prayed that this whole plan would work and I would be able to get Sammy away without getting caught. How I wished I could have been able to saddle a horse for Sam, it would have made everything so much faster, but getting into the stables at this time of night, saddling a horse and trying to keep silent at the same time was beyond my power and I had to be satisfied with going by foot. At last we reached the very edge of the plantation and stood by the shade and shadow of two large tangled trees. It was here that I halted and turned to the still very confused Sammy.

“Starting from this point, you must go on alone,” I whispered. “There is a Quaker family that lives a couple of miles from here. The road will lead you to it, but don’t go by the road as that will leave you out in the open and you could be seen. Stick to the shadows and trees but keep the road in sight. At one point you will get to a crossroad, turn left and just go straight till you come to the house of Mrs. Brags, you won’t be able to miss it! Don’t worry they are expecting you! There is a conductor waiting to take escort you to the north, where you will be safe.”

“Sarah, what are you doing?” Sammy stared at me as though he had never seen me before.

“I’m doing what I should have done a long time ago,” I stated. “I’ve been selfish, Sammy selfish and hypocritical. I blame my aunt for being a hypocrite, but honestly, I haven’t been any better. I’ve been going on and on so many times how you weren’t born to be a slave, how you were destined for something greater, how you  were meant to be free, but all the while I was the on keeping you in chains, keeping you in slavery. I’m setting you free, Sammy, that’s what I am doing. I should have done it earlier, it would have saved you, me, and everyone else connected a lot of pain and strife, but what was cannot be changed, I can only try and make amends.”

“You’re setting me free?” Sammy repeated slowly.

“Yes, I am. I’m sorry it has to be so secretive, I can’t do it openly, no one would recognize or accept it and it may even cause gossip and talk around the whole neighborhood. My aunt could not bear that and I don’t want to put her through it. Besides, I know uncle would not approve if I approached him with the idea, so I felt if I just went ahead and did it on my own, under the cover of darkness. I discovered my uncle’s plans to sell you only yesterday and so this is all really slapped together, but I know it will work though, if you leave now. It’s possible to get around without anyone noticing you, I should know, I’ve done it before. Here,” I shoved the bag into his hands, “There is a little food inside this pack for your journey, not much, but it should keep you till you get more.”

Sarah's Roses, Book I: Roses of BlueWhere stories live. Discover now